VIAVI Solutions bags award for network and broadband in SBR Technology Excellence Awards

Its FiberComplete PRO project won under the telecommunications category.

The consumer demand for faster speed and better service in broadband continues to jet at lightning speed. Acknowledging this, VIAVI Solutions introduced the FiberComplete PRO to aid field technicians in certifying and troubleshooting fiber links.

According to the company, business and consumer demand for bandwidth-intensive services such as video streaming, VoIP, HDTV, and smart-device applications continues to grow rapidly with no end in sight.

To address this growth, service providers are scrambling to quickly deploy, expand, and upgrade their broadband access networks.

As an answer, the FiberComplete PRO is presented as a suite of fiber test and certification capabilities which enable field technicians to rapidly, reliably and cost effectively certify and troubleshoot any fiber link.

It provides all that a fiber tech may need in one simple and fast solution with increased automation and test sequencing. In turn, this results in delivering a huge time saving for fiber acceptance testing.

Streamlined workflow coupled with a single test port connection and single key press maximises process efficiency and revenue. It enables management of all the required acceptance testing measurements, especially bi-directional tests, automatically sequencing tests for single fibers or high fiber count cables.

It also reduces manual work and steps to a minimum and drives compliance to methods of procedure to deliver operational excellence.

Among its featured highlights include having a guided step-by-step test process, an automated bi-directional process with a single test port and one button press, a data link via fiber under test (FUT), and instant bi-directional OTDR event loss analysis, a complete bi-directional certification, an advanced test sequencing with fiber cable management high fiber count cables, and an auto-file storage and on-board report generation.

For this project, the company was given the Network and Broadband – Telecommunications award in the recently concluded SBR Technology Excellence Awards, hosted by Singapore Business Review.

The annual awards programme highlights technological innovations, recognising exceptional companies in Singapore that are riding the digital disruption wave and leading the technological revolution and digital journeys of their respective industries.

The SBR Technology Excellence Awards is part of the regional Asian Technology Excellence Awards now running in 50 countries.

In giving the award, the judging panel took into consideration three major achievements of the company.

First is that it was able to yield the highest possible accuracy whilst simplifying the test process. Second is that it makes every technician and expert and helps reduce testing time. Lastly, it helps service providers and contractors reduce the CapEx and OpEx deliver the best service possible whilst completing the same in a timely manner.

The company said that some of its identified benefits are the following: that it improves operational efficiency, ensures network reliability, performs immediate corrective actions and reduce the occurrence of call backs, ramp up new fiber tech faster than before, and enable the automation of test processes.

It likewise highlighted that it helped in reducing testing time by up to 50% compared to traditional testers.

Watch the interview below to know more about their winning project:

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