2018 State of the Network Study

65 Percent of IT Teams are Responsible for Resolving Cloud Issues

2018 State of the Network
Over 600 IT professionals reveal how they navigate increasing bandwidth demand, evolving infrastructure, and the loss of visibility.

With applications increasingly in the cloud, and a remote workforce located anywhere, IT teams are losing control, challenged to manage network performance and security.

Based on this year's State of the Network, you’ve really got to feel for enterprise IT teams. They’re losing control of infrastructure and services that are migrating to the cloud, while simultaneously supporting employees who may be working anywhere, and yet remain on the hook to maintain performance and resolve issues. They need solutions to increase their scope of visibility and speed of response, as well as smarter analytics.

Results were compiled from the insights of over 600 respondents, including network engineers, IT directors and CIOs from around the world. In addition to geographic diversity, the study population was evenly distributed among networks and business verticals of different sizes. Responses were collected in March of 2018 via online surveys.

Study Highlights:

Flexibility tops fiscal concerns: Driving the move to cloud is agility, improved service availability, and the ability to deliver services faster.

Remote users surge: Over half of enterprises now have at least a quarter of their users working remotely at a home office, airport, or hotel, for example.

Network teams tackle cloud: Two-thirds of enterprise network teams are responsible for troubleshooting cloud issues.
