Viavi Solutions OneExpert DSL Modular Field Test Platform with

March 3, 2017
Viavi's OneExpert DSL Modular Field Test Platform now supports, accelerating gigabit broadband deployment and enabling service providers to consistently achieve high-performance results when deploying fast broadband service. Due to the modularity of the OneExpert Platform, the latest module offers a simple field upgrade to be ready to support deployments expected to begin in 2017.
Viavi's OneExpert DSL Modular Field Test Platform now supports, accelerating gigabit broadband deployment and enabling service providers to consistently achieve high-performance results when deploying fast broadband service. Due to the modularity of the OneExpert Platform, the latest module offers a simple field upgrade to be ready to support deployments expected to begin in 2017.
The OneExpert Modular Test Platform helps field technicians find and fix copper faults right the first time, supporting in addition to xDSL, copper, FTTH verification, and WiFi. The multi-touch, user-friendly interface and OneCheck automated tests ease complex tasks with clear pass/fail results, testing WiFi, VoIP, IP video, and more with just one handheld.

Judge's comment: "This copper and DSL portable test set provides all of the capability and automation expected today, and is one of very few that extends to What sets it apart is extendibility via optional external probes that allow it to perform coax testing, wire mapping, and optical power level tests, act as an optical fiber scope, and perform extensive Wi-Fi testing (basic Wi-Fi sweep capability is built-in). There is even a software option that enables TIMS capability."

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