GigaStor M is an industry first—a metadata-only high-performance, cost-effective, scalable solution that delivers packet level insight from the network edge to the data center core. With GigaStor M, VIAVI delivers flexibility and choice in how you instrument your IT environment.
Designed to work in conjunction with Observer GigaStor and Observer Apex, GigaStor M enables the patented VIAVI end-user experience scoring (EUE) wherever your network teams needs it; even remote branch facilities. When instrumented with GigaStor on high-traffic network links, GigaStor M greatly improves Observer 3D monitoring performance.
Tightly coupled with Apex, GigaStor M offers the following features and benefits:
- EUE scoring deployment flexibility from the data center core to the network edge
- When coupled with a GigaStor appliance, improved GigaStor write-to-storage performance
- Fault-tolerant custom 2U design supports five years of uninterrupted, 100 percent duty-cycle capture without dropping a single packet
Metadata Generation Performance Options
GigaStor M is offered in three ranges of metadata generation rates to align with your organization’s end-user experience scoring demands and network observability goals Boost GigaStor Performance When deployed together as a single solution, GigaStor M improves GigaStor write-to-storage capabilities by up to 40 percent. -
Beispielloses Gerätedesign
Wie alle Hardware-Komponenten von VIAVI Observer basiert auch GigaStor M auf kundenspezifischen Konfigurationsvorgaben und generiert auf Grundlage tiefgehender Einblicke in die Datenpakete umfassende Metadaten. Mit GigaStor M berücksichtigt das EUE-Scoring im Netzwerk nun alle Ihre IT-Ressourcen. Die GigaStor M Geräte sind für eine kontinuierliche Paketanalyse von fünf Jahren Dauer ausgelegt.
Observer GigaStor M 2U appliances can be easily mounted in a standard rack unit. By utilizing the Observer nTAPs included, you can insert and remove a GigaStor M from the network without disruption of flow. GigaStor M requires Observer Apex. Best Practices
- Place GigaStor M models together with GigaStor models to boost write-to-storage performance at the data center or heavy traffic links.
- GigaStor M can also be deployed alone at the network edge, branch or any location where full long-term packet capture and retention is not an option

Observer GigaStor M tightly integrates with the entire Observer 3D platform

Fallstudie (Case Study)
- Automation and Role-Based Workflows for Solving Network and Security Issues Faster
- Automation Workflows for Solving Network and Security Issues
- Benefits of Executive Dashboards
- Complete Visibility & Insight Across the Organization
- Exmark Manufacturing
- Remediation After Sunburst Cybersecurity Incident
- US Department of Veterans Affairs
Whitepaper und Bücher
- 2024/25 State of the Network Executive Summary
- 2024/25 State of the Network Study
- Comprehensive and Actionable Enterprise Performance Management
- Der Weg zur Beobachtbarkeit: Von null auf 100 in maximal drei Tagen (de)
- EMA Radar Report: Network Performance Management 2021
- How a NetOps/SecOps Alliance Can Outmaneuver the Enemy: Winning the Security Battle
- How to Optimize End-User Experience in a Cloud-Enabled Landscape
- How to Solve Six of the Biggest IT Challenges in 2021
- NetFlow und Paketdaten im Vergleich (de)
- Using Wire Data for Security Forensics
Observer Services
Whether it's a quick initial setup or a comprehensive on-site implementation and configuration, Observer Platform Consulting options are designed to ensure that you get the most out of your Performance Management Solutions.
Verwandte Produkte
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