Course Category
Course Type (Delivery Method)
Course Highlights
  • Understand light propagation, network components and architecture, connectors and cable types, fiber losses and attenuation process
  • Describe the causes of loss in fiber networks and the types of contamination on fiber end-faces
  • Understand the recommended fiber inspection and cleaning techniques and describe the proper process to perform
  • Navigate the product menus and controls to prepare for MPO fiber inspection tests
  • Perform proper fiber optic inspection and cleaning of MPO optical connections
Course Overview

This course presents a detailed overview of the technology fundamentals and proper fiber inspection, cleaning, and handling techniques for MPO fibers and connectors. Learn the recommended techniques for using the product to properly analyze MPO fiber end-faces, including becoming familiar with the controls and menus and how to prepare it for fiber inspection tests. Utilize the product to confidently analyze MPO fiber end-faces.

Course Duration
1 day
Course Location