High-Speed Networks

Industry-Leading Testing Solutions for 100G, 400G, 800G and 1.6T

High-Speed Networks

VIAVI has established new standards of precision and performance to meet the evolving demands of network operators. An innovative, award-winning portfolio of test solutions simplify and accelerate high-speed network testing.

Testing High-Speed Networks with VIAVI

VIAVI Solutions is an active participant in over thirty standards bodies and open-source initiatives through the ITU-T. A commitment to innovation and partnership with global customers and standards bodies like the IEEE has uniquely qualified VIAVI to address the test and assurance challenges faced by operators of high-speed networks.

VIAVI network test solutions incorporate knowledge and insight gained from the committee-level to the field. Ongoing collaboration with leading manufacturers, service providers, and data center operators has yielded the industry’s most comprehensive high-speed network test suite. This lab to field test strategy is reflected in high-density, rack-mounted test solutions for the design lab and sophisticated, portable test devices for the data center or central office.

High-Speed Network Test from Lab to Field

Support at Every Step

We provide support, services, comprehensive training and the resources you need. It’s all part of what we do to maximize the value of your VIAVI investment.

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Contact us for more information or to receive a price quote. We have the experts to give you the right answer on any of your questions.