Course Highlights
  • Understand light propagation, DWDM network components and architecture, connectors and cable types, fiber losses and attenuation process, and the recommended fiber inspection and cleaning techniques
  • Describe the multiplexing process
  • Define PMD and why it needs to be measured
  • Understand the operation of an OTDR test and what conditions impact the accuracy of it
  • Describe the recommended approach to DWDM and PMD testing and for troubleshooting  
Course Overview

This course presents a detailed overview of the technology fundamentals including the topology, network problems and fault isolation, and real-world issues that impact quality of service as well as fiber inspection techniques and connectivity/continuity tests. Learn the recommended approach for how to test and evaluate the performance of DWDM networks using OTDR and PMD tests. Understand how to confidently troubleshoot network faults and locate problems in DWDM networks.

Course Duration
1 day
Course Location