Course Highlights
- Understand the fundamental operation of Ethernet/IP networks including the network components and architecture, connectors and cable types, errors and alarms
- Comprehend the purpose and need for auto-negotiation, Ethernet switching, flow control, and prioritization functions
- Detail the structured approach to test and troubleshoot Ethernet/IP networks including VLANs
- Describe the the characteristics of the TCP/IP protocol suite and how to perform protocol analysis on an IP network
- Become familiar with how to employ the RFC 2544 and Y.1564 automated testing scripts
Course Overview
This course presents a detailed overview of technology fundamentals including the topology, protocol-oriented network problems, fault isolation, and real-world issues that impact quality of service. Learn the recommended layered/structured approach for testing and troubleshooting techniques to test and certify Ethernet circuits, including proper fiber inspection techniques.
Course Duration
1 day
Course Location
Course Language
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