Course Highlights
  • Understand light propagation, network components and architecture, connectors and cable types, fiber losses and attenuation process
  • Describe the causes of loss in fiber networks 
  • Understand the recommended fiber inspection and cleaning techniques and describe the proper process to perform fiber optic connectivity/continuity and OTDR tests
Course Overview

This course presents a detailed overview of the basic technology fundamentals including the topology, network problems and fault isolation, and real-world issues that impact quality of service as well as fiber inspection techniques and connectivity/continuity tests.   Learn the recommended approach for how to characterize and certify fiber using three key fiber tests, fiber inspection, connectivity/continuity and OTDR for FTTx, FTTP, and FTTA. Understand how to confidently troubleshoot network faults and locate problems in xWDM and PON networks. 

Course Duration
1 day
Course Location