OTDR Modules (4100 Series)

4100 Series OTDR Modules for T-BERD/MTS-2000, -4000 V2, -5800, OneAdvisor 800 and FTH-9000 Platforms

OTDR test solution for use in installing, turning up, and maintaining long-haul, metro, FTTx/PON, access, and enterprise networks.

VIAVI 4100-Series OTDR modules enable field technicians to rapidly, reliably, and cost-effectively install, turn up, and troubleshoot any optical network architecture – The optical performances of the 4100-Series OTDR modules combined with the complete suite of T-BERD/MTS, CellAdvisor 5G or OneAdvisor 800 platforms testing features ensure that any testing job is done right the first time.


  • Familiar touch gesture control user interface with assistant apps to guide techs through instrument usage
  • Module portability allows migration of fiber test capabilities between different VIAVI platforms
  • Wide range of module performance to match any network applications with fast, error free testing
  • Consolidated reporting for all wavelengths tested reduces volume of test results to manage by 50%
  • Avoids the risk of live signal interference or damage to the optical transmitter when performing OTDR test with instantaneous automatic traffic detection
  • Limit call backs, perform fixes as you test, eliminate off-site or post processing work and review time for bidirectional OTDR analysis


  • Construction, commissioning and troubleshooting of Metro and Long-Haul networks
  • Tier-2 certification and maintenance of Enterprise and Data Center networks
  • High fiber count/ribbon cables with automated MPO switching
  • Characterization and troubleshooting of FTTA fiber cables (macro cell towers, wireless backhauls, distributed antenna systems and cloud radio access)
  • Certification and troubleshooting of FTTH-PON networks (distribution and drop fiber verification and test through splitters) with support for un-balanced, tapered and indexed splitter architectures

Key Features

  • SmartLink Mapper (SLM) icon based results view
  • Up to 45 dB dynamic range and 256,000 acquisition points
  • PON optimized to test through up to a 1x256 splitter (FTTH-SLM)
  • Combined singlemode/multimode (Quad) version
  • Single-/Dual-/Tri-wavelength versions with 1310, 1550, 1625, and 1650nm
  • Single connector port for 1310, 1550 and in-service 1625 or 1650nm filtered wavelengths dedicated for in-service troubleshooting
  • Integrated light source and power meter on OTDR port
  • Available in FiberComplete version for automated bi-directional OTDR, IL and ORL measurements
  • Instant bidirectional OTDR event loss analysis “TrueBIDIR” (patented) with data link via Fiber Under Test (FUT) for auto test config/setup and results exchange (patent pending)


Check out FTTx network resources. 

  • Ease of use for minimal learning time

    • The UI is optimized for a simple user experience and workflow to enable direct access to the main test setup or config menus with instant access to key features and results.
    • Fast and responsive it puts control at your fingertips, the touch, drag, pinch zoom, swipe, long press gestures allowing for greater instrument control and results manipulation
  • Take the headache out of trace analysis

    • SmartLink Mapper (SLM) analyzes and identifies passive optical elements within any OTDR trace, new or old, and represents them as simple icons which form a fiber link map
    • Easy toggle between SmartLink , Trace and event table views with direct correlation of a selected event
  • OTDR made easy, no setup, guided and repeatable test

    • SmartTEST is the OTDR assistant that eliminates all complex OTDR setup errors and guides a user through easy and clear operational steps.
    • Four simple steps guide techs through initial setup, testing, result review and reporting
  • Certify and troubleshooting with single test port and 3 Wavelengths

    • A single test port for 3 wavelength test to shoot further and improve bend detection
    • Seamless switching between construction and troubleshooting tasks for standard and in-service filtered 1625 or 1650nm testing
    • Certify fibers are ready for future requirements for C-band and L-Band (xWDM) operation
    • Consolidated reporting for all wavelengths cuts volume of test results in half
  • Streamline job allocation, test process compliance and data upload/audit for remote workforce

    Test Process Automataion (TPA) allows your team to deliver expert-level test results and close projects on the first try, every time. TPA is a closed loop test system that optimizes workflows, eliminates manual, error prone work and automates immediate data reporting for job close out, team progress updates and network health analytics. Execute jobs efficiently to ensure high quality network builds, rapid turn-up/activation and enhanced operational visibility.

    See TPA for yourself

Quick References

  • Repair and Calibration

    Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles.  We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests. 

    Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:

    • Minimize business disruption
    • Budget
    • Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
    • Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards

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