Optical Solutions for Laser Aesthetics Applications
Engineered diffusers make it possible to produce uniform beams with no zero-order hotspots to alter their spatial distribution
Laser aesthetics advancements over the past decades have expanded upon minimally invasive hair and sunspot removal to include more advanced body contouring and skin resurfacing procedures. Along with the quality of the lasers themselves, advancements in light shaping optics and thin-film coatings technologies have enabled the beam and wavelength control behind today’s precise treatment options.
Light shaping optics
VIAVI engineered diffusers make it possible to produce uniform beams with no zero-order hotspots to alter their spatial distribution. This improves customer outcomes and comfort levels during laser aesthetic treatments. Light shaping optics are also behind the precise dot patterns (DOE) required to complete many topical skin treatments. A wide field of view (FOV) laser diffuser accelerates body contouring procedures without compromising quality.
Thin film optical coatings
Challenging skin restoration procedures like tattoo and scar removal require spectral purity and consistency along with effective beam width and dispersion control. Hard-coated optical filters produced through proprietary thin film optical coating processes address these requirements with customized properties tailored to each unique device and application.
Applications and treatments continue to evolve along with the optical technology that supports them, including skin rejuvenation and laser resurfacing treatments using ablative or non-ablative lasers to selectively target skin layers. Dental applications have also expanded, with precision laser instruments deployed for teeth cleaning, whitening, and restoration procedures. Ophthalmology (cataract surgery, glaucoma treatment) is another well-established field for safe medical laser technology.
VIAVI product offerings
The optical products and technology developed by VIAVI can be found throughout the laser aesthetics ecosystem, with reliable and accurate beam control ensuring the safety and efficacy of many leading devices.
- Engineered Diffusers produce uniform beams with no zero-order hotspots improving customer experience and eye safety
- Refractive Light Shaping Optics provides wavelength agnostic performance reducing system complexity
- Optical mirrors reflect pulsed lasers and minimize spectral dispersion and wavefront aberrations to improve the accuracy of procedures including LASIK eye surgery.
- Dichroic beamsplitters split or combine laser light according to wavelength, and direct energy more efficiently during treatment.
- Microlens arrays and Diffractive Optical Elements (DOE) create precise laser aesthetic dot patterns using either binary or analog phase profiles.
- Reactive-Ion etched (RIE) products provide enhanced light management performance for high power illumination instruments.
- Notch filters support eye safety in clinical surgery applications by effectively blocking unwanted light wavelengths.
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