Security Weekly

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Security Weekly Podcast
Identify and Resolve Security Threats with High-Fidelity Wire Data

Enterprises today dedicate 50 times more security budget to prevention than investigation tools, but is it working? According to a recent Cisco study, 45% of security leaders reported having experienced a breach costing their organization over half a million dollars.

Not only do breaches impact the bottom line, companies suffer long-term damage from customer churn, tarnished reputation, and potential compliance penalties.

What can IT do to prepare themselves for the unexpected?

Security success that goes beyond preventative measures comes down to ensuring access, visualization, and understanding of complete wire-data across the enterprise. Yet only 7% of organizations are using both packet and flow datasets due to the complexity of effectively stitching the data together into a unified, high-value dataset.

Download the white paper “Using Wire Data for Security Forensics” to learn how enterprises can reach their goals of quickly and accurately identifying and responding to security incidents. 

IT Security Spends

Enterprises dedicate 50x more budget to prevention than investigation, but it’s not working. Why?

The VIAVI Observer platform provides SecOps teams with a single unified data set for security threat hunting and incident response based on the most robust wire data available. Using pure, unaltered packet and flow data, Observer presents views across the entire IT landscape with threat alert features including scope and impact context alongside advanced traffic profiling. Teams can use automated workflows to dive into high-fidelity network evidence and resolve the issue – minimizing impact on customers, users, and business operations.

Network Security Performance Graphic

Take a new approach to any security issue with:

  • 40 Gbps packet capture with over a petabyte of storage
  • Enriched flow records combining user, device, flow and cloud data
  • 3-click workflows to drill into problems for quick resolution

Using Wire Data for Security Forensics White Paper

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