High Performance Optical Spectrum Analyzer Module (OSA-500 Series)
OSA-500 Series Modules for OneAdvisor 1000 Platform
Full range of optical spectrum analyzers for spectral measurements in CWDM, DWDM, and ROADM testing-based systems, providing true OSNR measurements based on the unique VIAVI in-band OSNR method.
Industry-leading solutions for CWDM/DWDM- and ROADM testing-based systems up to 800G
VIAVI offers a full range of OSAs tailored for spectral measurements in CWDM systems in the access network as well as DWDM systems in high-speed backbone networks with datarates up to 800G. The range features an OSA for ROADM testing-based systems, providing true OSNR measurements based on VIAVI’s unique in-band OSNR method.
- OSA-500R with in-band method to measure the true in-band OSNR in ROADM-based systems
- InBand OSNR measurement time is significantly reduced using a fast polarization controller
- Internal online wavelength calibration guarantees highest wavelength accuracy and requires no recalibration, thus significantly reducing service costs
- High filter selectivity and lab optical performance over the full band, from 1250 to 1650nm, in a field-modular design
- Measurement of the true in-band OSNR in Agile Optical networks including ROADM testing and dispersion compensating modules
- DWDM and CWDM system testing during installation, maintenance, and network upgrade
- Automated DWDM passive and active component testing
- System verification testing according to the customer's preset limits
- Verification of ROADM configurations in Agile Optical Networks
- Full-band optical spectrum analyzer for the ONT and OneAdvisor 1000 platforms
Key Features
- New Optical Polarization Splitting method (OPS-method, VIAVI pat pending) for measuring the true in-band OSNR in ROADM based networks
- Future-proof design with a wide tuning range of 1250 to 1650 nm that is suitable for all optical DWDM and CWDM (Metro) networks up to 800G
- Software option for PMD testing based on the fixed analyzer PMD test method
- Built-in optical component test applications for laser diodes, LEDs, and optical amplifiers
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