SRS is a maintenance program designed to keep your Test Program Set (TPS) software up to date with the latest OEM test specifications.
SRS contracts can be purchased for a wide variety of IRIS 2000 TPSs such as: VOR, ILS, VHF, COMM, DME, ATC Transponder, HF, ADF, FMC, FCC, DSWC, GPWC, Radio Altimeters, Mode S Transponders, TCAS Computers, and Air Data Computers. For a complete listing of OEM test specification revision status and corresponding VIAVI TPS revision status, please view the TPS Status Report.
SRS contracts can be purchased for the VIAVI IRS 1200 ATE TPSs for Honeywell Inertial Reference LRUs including a variety of IRUs, ADIRUs, and control panels. For a complete listing of OEM test specification revision status and corresponding VIAVI TPS revision status, please view TPS Status Report.
To learn about a new ATE solution for Honeywell Inertial Reference LRUs, please contact Cassidian Test & Services.
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