This product has been discontinued.
VIAVI still provides software options, accessories, and customer service/support.
Please contact your sales rep for more information.
- Super light magnesium alloy – 8.3 lbs/3.75 kg weight, is ideal for field test environments.
- Internal battery provides 4.5 hours of true portability on one charge.
- Define your own test screens and then save for future use, simplifies operation.
- Fast VSWR and return loss plots for field analysis of antennas, duplexers, and combiners.
- Accurate distance to fault measurements for locating issues in cables.
- Multi-Language support includes Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, German, French, etc.
- Complete RF Transmitter Testing: With integrated RF power, RSSI, frequency error and modulation meters .
- Complete Analog Test System: The 3550R includes the capability to perform direct connect type testing on a radio. All radio parameters including power, frequency error, modulation accuracy, receiver sensitivity, and audio performance are easily accessed and tested.
- Remote Operation and Remote File Access: The 3550R has the perfect solution for you to remotely monitor tough to find system anomalies through your smartphone, tablet, or PC anywhere on the planet.
- Channel Analyzer: RF signals can be graphically analyzed with the Channel Analyzer option of the 3550R. The channel analyzer allows the user to analyze up to 5 MHz spectrum of signals from a repeater, a mobile radio, or a hand-held, while at the time demodulating the signal and taking modulation measurements.
- AAR Channel Plan Option: AAR stands for Association of American Railroads and is an association of US and Canadian railroads. This option controls the RF frequency of both the generator and receiver of the 3550R based on the channel number.
- P25
- dPMR
- Positive Train Control
- Generator: -5 dBm to -125 dBm
- DANL: -140 dBm typical with preamp
- Weight: 8.3 lbs.
- Rugged: 30 G Shock
- 0º to 50º C operating range
Fiches techniques
Manuels et Guides utilisateur
Guides de prise en main rapide
Versions logiciels
Livres blancs
Téléchargements de logiciels
- 3550 FM Receiver Testing
- 3550 FM Receiver Testing (Video Download)
- 3550 FM Transmitter
- 3550 Generator Tutorial
- 3550 Generator Tutorial (Video Download)
- 3550 Introduction
- 3550 Swept Antenna (Video Download)
- 3550 Swept Antenna - Online
- 3550 Testing Digital Radios (Video Download)
- 3550 Testing Digital Radios - Online
- FM Transmitter - Download
- TRX Neon Signal Mapper with the 3550R
- Basic Tests and Waveform Analysis (DMR, P25, NXDN)
- Basic Tests and Waveform Analysis (TETRA and DMR)
- Best Practices for Testing Analog Radios
- Controlling Your Radio Test Set Remotely
- Indoor Signal Coverage Mapping with the NEON Signal Mapper Application
- Internal and External Power Measurements with Bird 5017D Power Sensor
- Save Time, Money, and Lives with Communications Test
- Testing FM Radios and FSK Modems
- Tracking Generator Function (DTF/VSWR Filters Duplexers and Cables)
- Radio Test Webinar Series
Repair and Calibration
Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles. We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests.
Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:
- Minimize business disruption
- Budget
- Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
- Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards
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Nous assurons l’assistance, les services, des formations complètes ainsi que les ressources qu’il vous faut. Tout cela dans le but de maximiser la valeur de vos investissements VIAVI.
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