TestPoint Multi-Rate (Discontinued)

Single slot, customizable module controlling via licensed options: OC-48/STM-16, OC-12/3/STM-4/1, Gigabit Ethernet, and 1G/2G Fiber Channel and traffic generation to 128 streams for Gigabit Ethernet.

The TestPoint Multi-Rate Module is a single-slot, customizable module with three physical ports: OC-48/STM-16 (option for G.709 OTN), OC-3/12 STM-1/4 and Ethernet/Fiber Channel.

One physical port can be active at a time for testing and at least one synchronous optical network technologies/synchronous digital hierarchy (SONET/SDH) port must be licensed. For the convenience of changing wavelengths and protocols, pluggable SFP optical/electrical interfaces are used. Traffic generation of up to 128 streams is provided on all supported Ethernet rates.

A hardware option provides digital wrapper and forward error correction (FEC) G.709 OTN support on the OC-48/STM-16 port. Both SONET/SDH ports support licensed options for Ethernet over SONET/SDH (VCAT and GFP-F) and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). Additional options include Ethernet over PDH (EoPDH) (DS1/E1/DS3/E3 into SONET/SDH with GFP-F/HDLC payload), RPR Intrusive Monitor Mode on OC-48/STM-16, and ODU1 line rate (2.499 G).

The Multi-Rate Module can be inserted into multiple scalable TestPoint chassis including the highly compact TestPoint TS-10. Up to sixteen 1 Gbps modules can be inserted into the TS-170 for a high-density, rack-mounted test solution.

Key Features

  • Tests the following rates all on one module – OC-3/12/48 STM-1/4/16, OTN, Ethernet, 1/2 G Fiber Channel (FC)
  • support for OTN related rates – OTU1 (2.666 G) and ODU1 (2.498 G)
  • Maps GFP-F and ATM into SONET/SDH
  • Unique capability of Ethernet over PDH (ITU-T G.7043)
  • Supports a wide variety of Ethernet interfaces: 1000BaseX, 10/100/1000BaseT, 100BaseFX



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