The VIAVI ONT 800G ETHERNET Module was designed for the specific needs of multi-port Ethernet Lab & Production applications.
It provides 400G class Ethernet traffic generation with advanced Ethernet Alarm and Error testing. The VIAVI Test Packet Format with its high precision timing assures efficient Ethernet performance assessment.
The industry established layer based user interface and affordable hardware costs make it the preferred test instrument for new emerging 400G projects.
- Ensure eco-system interoperability
- Enable reliable performance
- Accelerate product validation
Key Features
- 2 x QSFP-DD 400GE, including 400ZR
- Ethernet 400GE, 200GE
- Ethernet breakout 8x50GE, 2x200GE, 4x100GE
- Ethernet breakout 2x100GE, 1x200GE NRZ
- FEC Error Insertion and RX Statistics
- FEC Stress Testing for PAM-4 coded signals
- MAC/IP Alarms & Errors generation
- High Precision Delay Test
- Service Disruption Test
- Hardware Validation
- Multi-user and Test Automation support
Use Cases and Applications
- System development
- Ethernet traffic generation
- Transponder test - QSFP-DD / QSFP-56
- SVT - Ethernet Network Elements
- Manufacturing test
Learn more about 800g technology.
Приложения к руководствам
White Papers и книги
Загрузка и обновление программного обеспечения
VIAVI Care Support
Services Bronze Silver MaxCare ИзображениеИзображениеИзображениеTechnical Assistance Premium Premium Premium Factory Repair Priority Service Self-paced Training Factory Calibration Express Loaner * 5-year plans only; if applicable
VIAVI Care Support for Existing Equipment
FleetCareFleetCare plans can be customized to include any service entitlements on your fleet of existing equipment. Please fill out a Service Contracts form for a quote.
- Any collection instruments with a single coterminous renewal date
- Each contract is customized with any number of annual terms required by the customer
- Onsite Calibration, Training, Field Application Engineer days can be added
Поддержка на каждом этапе работы
Мы оказываем техническую поддержку, предоставляем услуги, программы обучения и все необходимые материалы. Наша деятельность направлена на максимальное повышение отдачи от ваших капиталовложений в систему VIAVI.
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