VisionSLA (Discontinued)

Service Level Monitoring

VisionSLA is a solution entirely dedicated to subscriber experience management. It ensures that service level agreements (SLAs) are complied and performance targets are achieved. It also monitors if mobile network operators are providing their highest value customers (VIPs, fleets) with the best quality of experience possible as well as their highest value corporate agreements (account, enterprise).

Main features

  • Customer Experience Management: QoS/QoE of your premium subscribers or accounts
  • CEI: Customer experience index measurements providing an aggregated QoE measurement for monitoring
  • Manage subscriber groups by their IMSIs, manage fleets through group of IMSIs.
  • SLA reporting: Ensure the compliancy of your service level agreements
  • Detailed service usage: Voice/SMS/USSD and more specific features

CEM and service quality performance

VisionSLA offers multiple counts for individual active subscribers, with focus on services with a service experience index (SEI). Users can either view the metrics per subscriber group or drill-down to a specific subscriber if necessary.

Fleet management

VisionSLA offers a fleet management feature that focuses solely on groups of subscribers, usually high value and/or corporate accounts. VisionSLA measures quality of service and quality of experience from groups right down to the individual subscriber if necessary.

List of impacted subscribers

Sometimes, underachieving KPIs may be caused by a single subscriber generating a lot of failures. From the moment an issue’s detected, it is critical to evaluate how that issue is impacting other subscribers, especially if it is affecting the quality of experience offered. VisionSLA allows users to easily display an Impacted IMSIs list showing subscribers affected by specific KPI measurements.


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