Radio Analysis Modules (RAxxMB) for OneAdvisor 800

A family of radio analysis modules for RF spectrum and interference analysis featuring IQ capture capability, RF signal quality assessment and coverage analysis.



  • Versatile and high performance wireless field test solution
  • Capable of performing RF spectrum and interference analysis
  • Allows recording of in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components of RF signals, for detailed analysis to assess signal profile and identify unwanted signals.

Key Features

  • Frequency coverage from 10MHz to 9, 18, 32, or 44 GHz
  • Real-time persistent spectrum analysis with up to 110 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth.
  • 4G-LTE and 5G-NR compliance, including blind-scanner, coverage, and synchronization assessment.
  • Ethernet verification for 1G, 10G, 25G, and 100G.


  • RF spectrum assessment and interference analysis.
  • Automated interference detection with TDD Auto Gated Spectrum (TAGS) technology and Interference Advisor.
  • Signal recording of digital RF data (I/Q) with configurable frequency bandwidths of real-time spectrum up to 110MHz  
  • Fronthaul transport and synchronization (IEEE 1588) verification.


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