Analytics Enablement

Elevate Insight with SMARTanalytics Feeds

Analytics Enablement
As independent software vendors (ISVs) and network equipment manufacturers (NEMs) work to deliver high-quality analytics solutions to their customers, they require solutions that provide rich, aggregated, and correlated insight, that facilitates the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data.

Seeing Is Believing

Customers have limited resources for analytics solutions, so feed solutions must help to break the linear relationship between big data growth and the cost of the analytics solution, to ensure an adequate ROI for the manufacturer and customer.

To do this, analytics and assurance solutions must provide end-to-end, coverage, from the location intelligence of the RAN, to cell site backhaul, to the core network through to the data center – including rich data such as the subscriber location and quality of service experience. This comprehensive level of performance visibility, including key performance indicators (KPIs), workflow applications and troubleshooting tools are common requirement. Manufacturer analytics solutions enhanced with VIAVI analytics feeds provide manufacturer’s customers with a means to diversify revenue and build competitive advantage through innovation and meet quality of experience (QoE) benchmarks.

Work SMARTer

The VIAVI analytics enablement solution delivers the visibility, intelligence, and insight to ensure a high-quality subscriber experience throughout the entire network lifecycle: from plan, build, certification, activation, monetization, to assurance and optimization. VIAVI helps manufacturers to augment their portfolio of solutions for service through a fundamentally new approach to handling big data. VIAVI’s new “SMARTanalytics” solutions are designed to cost effectively unlock the potential inherent in big data so that associated opportunities can be captured and monetized.

These solutions are:

  • Synchronized - data is auto-correlated across sources and services 
  • Meaningful -  with resulting analytics that are immediately relevant and actionable to the application that uses them
  • Adaptive – Analytics dynamically change to account for new data sources as well as for new needs by the downstream applications
  • Real-Time, with analytics that is available within seconds

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