Optical Sources and Amplifiers
Solutions to enable peak performance across a range of wavelength bands.
Offering a wide range of sources from tunable lasers, SLEDs, LEDS, DFBs and broadband that meet your most demanding optical specifications. Accompanied by EDFAs and the first of its class bismuth doped amplifier for O-band applications.
MAP Continuously Tunable Laser Source Module (mTLS)
The mTLS-C2 three-slot cassette offers a long-term reliable, low noise output with a wide tuning range in the C+L...
MAP Tunable DBR Laser Module (mTLG)
MAP Series Tunable Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) laser (mTLG-C2) is a new-generation tunable laser that is ideal...
MAP C+L Band Optical Light Source Module (mBBS)
The MAP Broadband Light Source (mBBS-C1) provides an amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) output that is ultra-...
MAP Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier Module (mEDFA)
The MAP Series Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers (mEDFA-C1) meet some of the most demanding optical specifications...
MAP Optical Light Source Modules for Key Telecom and Datacom Bands (mSRC)
The MAP General Purpose Light Sources (mSRC-C2) are fiber-coupled, fixed-wavelength emitters that cover key Telecom/...
MAP O-band Optical Fiber Amplifier (mOFA-C1)
The MAP Series mOFA-C1 is a revolutionary fiber amplifier designed to work in the O-band. Based on bismuth doped...
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