VIAVI Certifier 帮助技术人员快速、完整和正确认证新企业的铜缆和光纤网络以使其符合当前和今后布线标准所需的所有功能。
若要测试和认证最高到 6A 类标准的铜缆,Certifier10G 是经济高效的解决方案。Certifier10G 是拥有与 Certifier40G 相同优点的入门级铜缆认证分析仪,但不支持光纤或 Class FA。
Certifier 不仅是最先进的、也是最快和最完整的解决方案。无论是对铜缆还是对光纤进行认证,用户都将按时准确完成工作……一次就成功!
- 行业最快的 CAT6A 解决方案,可在 9 秒钟内对每条电缆进行认证,使用户每测试 150 根 CAT6A 电缆*时可节省 30 分钟
- 在不到 6 秒钟内可对多模、单模和多模 光纤进行 1 级认证
- 可对各种光纤类型执行通过/失败端面自动化分析
- 在本地端和远端均可完整查看测试情况
- 预先配置所有领先制造商的线缆技术规格
- 凭借一台设备即可实现全部网络认证
- 利用行业最快的测试工作流程优化效率
- 可获得符合 TIA-568 和 ISO 11801 最新要求的综合结果
- 在本地端和远端均可查看测试设置和结果数据,以及编辑标签
- 完整的 TIA 568/ISO 11801 铜缆和光纤认证
- TIA-942-A 数据中心认证
- 符合 IEC 61300-3-35 光纤端面要求的客观性通过/失败测试. 了解详情
- 永久链路和通道适配器,用于根据 TIA 类别 5e/6/6A 和 ISO 等级 D/E/EA/F/FA进行认证
- 多模 (850/1300 nm) 和单模 (1310/1550 nm) 适配器,用于实现 1 级光纤认证(损耗/长度/极性)
- 行业领先的 VIAVI P5000i 数字光纤端面检测头支持
- 集成的、基于标准的认证标签和报告
- Certifier40G 3M Approval
- Certifier40G Belden Approval
- Certifier40G Berk-Tek LLC Approval
- Certifier40G Brand-Rex Approval
- Certifier40G CommScope Approval
- Certifier40G CommScope Fiber Approval
- Certifier40G Condumex Approval
- Certifier40G Datwyler Approval
- Certifier40G ETL Approval
- Certifier40G Eurolan Approval
- Certifier40G Furukawa Approval
- Certifier40G HellermannTyton Approval
- Certifier40G Leoni-Kerpen Approval
- Certifier40G Leviton Approval
- Certifier40G METZ CONNECT Approval
- Certifier40G Nexans Approval
- Certifier40G OCC Approval
- Certifier40G Ortronics Approval
- Certifier40G Panduit Approval
- Certifier40G Panduit Fiber Approval
- Certifier40G Premium Line Systems GmbH Approval
- Certifier40G Reichle & DeMassari AG Approval
- Certifier40G SATRA Approval
- Certifier40G Schneider Electric Approval
- Certifier40G Schneider Electric Industries
- Certifier40G SETEC Approval
- Certifier40G Siemon Approval
- Certifier40G Siemon Class-FA Approval
- Certifier40G TE Connectivity Approval
- Certifier40G TE Connectivity Class FA Approval
- Certifier40G Telegartner Approval
- Certifier40G ZVK Approval
Care Support Plans
Product Group | Recommend Plan | Bronze | Silver | Maxcare | Why Calibrate? |
Certifier 10/40G local & remote | MaxCare-5 | Why calibrate this product? What are the common issues? |
Repair and Calibration
Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles. We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests.
Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:
- Minimize business disruption
- Budget
- Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
- Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards