6G Forward


6G Forward
6G 和 AI 研究的最新突破。

作为 6G Forward 计划的一部分,VIAVI 正在凭借其在 6G 和 AI 研究方面的进步推动无线技术的发展。从全 AI 神经接收器、新波形到先进的多址接入技术,我们的工作有望在未来网络部署中实现动态适应性

6G 城市规模数字孪生

我们与美国西北大学无线物联网研究所和 Open6G 合作研究中心等著名研究机构合作,创建了 6G 城市规模数字孪生。在先进的 AI 和机器学习 (ML) 技术支持下,它在训练 6G AI 原生空中接口等组件方面发挥着重要的作用,增强了我们对网络动态和性能的理解。

这一突破强调了 AI/ML 在大规模网络数字孪生无线电传播建模中的重要性,通过合作结合了来自现实世界测量结果和更高层 KPI 的见解。

6G AI 原生空中接口 (AI-AI)

随着 AI 原生空中接口 (AI-AI) 的出现,一个重大变化正在发生,从根本上改变了通信技术的开发和部署方式。 

VIAVI 通过在全面的测试和培训设置中开发和演示神经接收器,为这一变化做出贡献。该设置集成了 AI 辅助星座图设计和先进的调制技术,展现了 VIAVI 对推动无线技术极限的承诺。

VIAVI 6G Forward 概览

6G Forward 计划正在 VIAVI Marconi Labs (VML) 内开发,该实验室专门从事无线技术研究、创新和测试

该计划使用我们 GPU 驱动的实时 6G 测试台演示了 VIAVI 6G 概念验证,展示了 MIMO 延迟-多普勒域中的新波形、过载网络中的先进多址接入技术,以及全 AI 神经网络传输等进步。 

VML 拥有一支由大量博士级科学家组成的团队,以及众多创新工程师,擅长将想法转化为概念验证 (PoC),并将其推进到主流产品开发。 

我们的使命包括应用研究、PoC 创新、专利组合管理、研究合作伙伴关系、标准化参与,以及从研发理念到产品组合的知识转移。

VIAVI 6G 研究载体

6G Knowledge Hub


我们与其他行业领导者合作,积极为可靠的 6G 商业案例发展做贡献。

VIAVI 6G Research Participation

作为 one6G 战略成员,VIAVI 正在为 one6G 的未来愿景做出贡献,在未来,6G 技术和解决方案可以释放智能连接的潜力,促进我们经济和社会的安全、弹性和可持续发展。

one6g - 将通信提升到一个新的水平

nGRG 将致力于研究 6G 和未来网络标准中的开放和智能 RAN 原则。

VIAVI 是 NEXTG 联盟指导小组的正式成员,是多个工作组的积极参与者,致力于通过私营部门主导的努力推动北美无线技术在未来十年的领先地位。这项工作非常重视技术商业化,将涵盖研发、制造、标准化和市场准备工作的整个生命周期。

在英国萨里大学,VIAVI 是 Regius 教授 Rahim Tafazolli FREng 领导的 5G/6G 创新中心的创始成员。该创新中心致力于解决先进的通信系统和 5G、5G+ 和 6G 基础设施开发中的关键挑战,为未来技术提供连接。

主要研究领域包括:天线和信号处理;无线通信的人工智能;智能和高性能网络和服务交付;智能 RAN 技术与管理;移动网络安全;新物理层;RIS 可重构智能表面;卫星通信;未来集成通信和传感中的 THz 器件和通信。

5G/6G 创新中心 | 萨里大学

Beyond 5G 推广联盟旨在实现 Beyond 5G 的早日顺利推出,加强 Beyond 5G 的国际竞争力,以实现 21 世纪 30 年代预期的强大而充满活力的社会。

Beyond 5G 推广联盟

VIAVI 是 6G@UT 的附属成员,这是 UT 奥斯汀无线网络和通信小组 (WNCG) 的一项新研究计划。6G@UT 汇集了无线、网络、传感和机器学习交叉领域的领先研究人员,目标是做出支持 6G 的新发现,培训和教育蜂窝行业的未来思想领袖,并与行业密切合作,在理论和实践的交叉领域进行创新。

VIAVI 是这两个 5GPPP 项目的行业成员。欧盟 的 Horizon 2020 研究与创新计划资助。

LOCUS - 嵌入 5G 生态系统的本地化和按需分析,适用于无处不在的垂直应用。

LOCUS 联盟聚集了来自电信和 IT 行业的各种知名合作伙伴,可以实现其愿景。LOCUS 将成为 5G 生态系统及其他领域无数应用的推动者,推动垂直行业的发展,并为电信公司创造新的商机。

LOCUS 将增强当前和未来的基础设施,以:i) 作为网络本地服务提供准确且无处不在的位置信息,以及 ii) 从原始位置和物理事件中导出更复杂的特征和行为模式,并通过简单的接口将它们展示给应用。本地化、分析和“即服务”的组合将使网络运营商能够更好地管理他们的网络,并极大地扩大所提供的应用和服务的范围。

VIAVI 参与的创新包括: 

  • 作为与 5G 网络基础设施集成的混合边缘/核心虚拟化平台之上的虚拟化服务公开的本地化分析
  • 作为虚拟网络功能的人员(个人和群体)移动性分析



将强化学习引入大规模连接的无线光网络 (6G BRAINS)

6G BRAINS 解决了当前网络中的挑战,beyond 5G (B5G)、6G、太赫兹 (THz)、光无线通信 (OWC)、人工智能 (AI)、多代理深度强化学习、高度动态的超密集设备到设备 (D2D) 无蜂窝网络、授权免费-非正交多址接入 (GF-NOMA)、端到端 (E2E) 切片、集成接入回程 (IAB)、工业虚拟助理 (IVA)、同步定位和映射 (SLAM)、内容分发网络 (CDN)、海量机器类型通信 (mMTC) 和超可靠低延迟通信 (URLLC)。

面向未来的 6G 创新。积极制定 6G 标准,并定义了 6 个研究方向,以确保将供应商和服务提供商面临的风险降至最低。充分开发 5G 的潜力创造了一个可升级的基础,这可能会彻底改变网络,不仅会带来先进的任务关键型 URLL 用例,还会带来全新的行业。  

有关更多信息,请访问:6G BRAINS 



  • 用于无线系统的人工智能和机器学习
  • 5G 和 6G 无线系统
  • 面向未来行业的物联网商业模式
  • 智能互联植入式医疗设备
  • 智能城市和海洋
  • 民用和国防无人机

6G 知识中心

网络投资和部署成本高昂。移动网络的规划、部署、运营、管理和性能必须更加高效,以便运营商能够在 6G 上看到投资回报。与 6G 相关的方法和技术将有助于实现这些效率,这是我们在前几代产品中从未见过的。 


  • 联合国列出了 17 个可持续发展目标 (SDG),这些目标是 2030 年议程的一部分。 
  • 有趣的是,2030 年也是商业网络预计上线的日子。 
  • 许多服务提供商也将 2030 年标记为 6G 的关键日期。 
  • 6G 可以带来一系列积极的环境和社会经济效益,让电信公司和企业朝着可持续发展目标努力。 
  • 技术:将借鉴该报告,该报告确定了可纳入 6G 网络的潜在解决方案,以降低能耗并提高可持续性。 
  • 社会经济:投资于新的、更好的无线连接(特别是在农村地区和发展中经济体)将有助于实现联合国的一系列可持续发展目标,改善受教育机会,缩小数字鸿沟,改善远程医疗保健,创建更可持续的互联城市等。 
  • 在未来,可能会有电信公司必须遵守的环境/可持续发展/网络零污染法规,或者是由贸易组织制定的,并且是电信公司成员的要求。因此,开发 6G 技术可能对电信业务的未来发展和遵守框架/法规/法律要求至关重要。 
  • 市场和经济驱动因素 
  • 6G 将带来新的体验,这种体验可以推广到更多的最终用户,并为每个最终用户提供有保证的服务质量。 
  • 这包括 VR、AR、MR、3D 网络、无人机、自动驾驶汽车、光学无线通信、人工智能。 

6G Technology Enablers



  • AI/ML,更集中的方法,例如  
    • 可封装现实世界和合成数据的数字孪生,用于预测分析和维护。 
  • 高频射频技术 
  • 容量、延迟和性能 
  • 开放性、分解性
  • 环境足迹 
  • 生产率和上市速度 
  • 经济和成本 

在此背景下,越来越多的人转向边缘和云,这将需要新的测试架构和新的工具。需要模拟新的用例(当然,尚未定义),以确保网络能够支持这些用例和那些运行在旧版标准上的用例。如果运营商认为 5G 网络很复杂……

6G 有望在效率和扩展能力方面实现飞跃,但要让这些承诺成为现实,测试要从设计阶段开始。

Discover Our Latest Proofs of Concepts and Solutions

VIAVI Marconi Labs advance telecommunications through cutting-edge research, collaboration, and knowledge sharing, with a current major focus on 6G. Our collaborative environment fosters creativity, diversity, and excellence to address the evolving challenges in the telecommunications landscape.

With a substantial team of PhD-qualified scientists, and even more innovation engineers, VIAVI Marconi Labs excels in turning ideas into Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs) and progressing them to main-track product development. 

VIAVI GPU-Powered Real-Time 6G Testbed

VIAVI Testbed

The VIAVI GPU-Powered Real-Time 6G Testbed is an advanced platform designed to validate theoretical 6G concepts in real-world conditions before full-scale deployment. This cutting-edge system enables researchers and engineers to experiment with next-generation wireless technologies while significantly reducing development time and costs.

Global Technology Forward Projects

6G City-Scale Digital Twin

Our collaborations with renowned research institutions such as the Institute for Wireless Internet of Things and the Open6G cooperative research center at Northeastern University have led to the creation of a 6G city-scale digital twin. Powered by advanced AI and machine learning (ML) technologies, it plays a key role in training components like the 6G AI-Native Air Interface, advancing our understanding of network dynamics and performance.

This achievement highlights the importance of AI/ML in radio propagation modeling for large-scale network digital twins, integrating insights from real-world measurements and higher-layer KPIs through cooperative efforts.

VIAVI contributes to:

  • Harmonizing with Open RAN Architecture by RIC, SMO interworking with APN Controller
  • Digital Twin for APN
  • Adopt Fiber Sensing Solution in APN Architecture

Forum Objective: Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN), to provide advanced capabilities of low-power consumption, ultra-wide bandwidth, large-scale simulations, and ultra-realistic UI/UX for future services through cutting-edge technologies such as next generation photonics-based technologies.


VIAVI tests and validates Digital Twin for Energy Saving and Mobility.

6G-TWIN Objective: provide the foundation for the design, implementation and validation of an AI-native reference architecture for 6G systems that incorporates Network Digital Twins as a core mechanism for the end-to-end, real- time optimisation, management and control of highly dynamic and complex network scenarios.

To achieve this, 6G-TWIN will deliver methods, modelling and simulation solutions for the definition, creation and management of multi-layered virtual representations of future 6G systems, where heterogeneous domains (i.e., edge, fog and cloud) and communication technologies (e.g., cellular, optical and Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN)) coexist.

The associated solutions will be demonstrated in two complementary use cases addressing mobility and energy-efficiency challenges, aligned with the expected use cases of 6G and the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) defined in previously funded projects.


Bringing Reinforcement learning Into Radio Light Network for Massive Connections (6G BRAINS)

6G BRAINS addresses current challenges in networks, beyond 5G (B5G), 6G, Terahertz (THz), Optical Wireless Communications (OWC), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning, Highly Dynamic Ultra-Dense Device-to-Device (D2D) Cell-free Networks, Grant Free-Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (GF-NOMA), End-to-End (E2E) Slicing, Integrated Access Backhaul (IAB), Industrial Virtual Assistant (IVA), Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), Content Distribution Network (CDN), massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC) and Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC).

Innovating 6G for the future. Actively shaping 6G standards and have defined 6 research vectors to ensure risks to suppliers and service providers are minimized. Fully developing the potential of 5G creates an upgradable foundation that could revolutionize networks and usher in not just advanced mission critical URLL use cases but entirely new industries.

Find out more at: 6G BRAINS


VIAVI provides 6G integration and testing and will participate and co-lead 6G research and innovation work including:

  • 6G 3D channel modelling
  • 3D RAN digital twin
  • Semantic communication

Awarded a £12M research grant from the UK government to advance Telecoms networks. The project, which involves a consortium of UK universities and international operators and vendors, aims to solve big challenges such as the digital divide and energy efficiency through research and innovation in open network components.

Hosted by 5G/6G Innovation Centre at the University of Surrey, explores and expands on Open RAN principles, looking into new open network components while focusing on both their technical capabilities as well as interoperability in the wider RAN and core.

This project shows great progress for the industry and society, as we discover new testing challenges and opportunities in 6G networks.


VIAVI was granted funding for the following projects:

  • HiPer-RAN

DSIT ONE funded projects in the next phase of the UK Open Networks Research and Development (R&D). Across these areas:

  • High Demand Density (HDD) Use Cases/Demonstrations
  • RIC and other RAN Software Automation
  • Processors, RF, and other RAN Hardware

Partnerships and Government Funded Projects

Partnerships are central to the VIAVI approach to 6G development. We work closely with clients, academic institutions, and government to drive innovation. We collaborate with universities worldwide on cutting-edge 6G research projects.

  • 3GPP
  • 5G-6G Innovation Center
  • 6G Brains
  • 6G DALI
  • 6G Forum
  • 6G IA
  • AI RAN Alliance
  • Broadband Forum
  • IEEE
  • Institute for Wireless Internet of Things
  • IOWN Global Forum
  • ITU
  • Next G Alliance
  • OAI (Open Air Interface)
  • OIF
  • Open6G Cooperative Research Center at Northeastern University
  • one6G
  • TIP (Telecom Infra Project)
  • TM Forum
  • TUDOR research project
  • XGMF

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