For installed systems, the application will control our IFR6000/6015 Transponder Test Set and GPSG-1000 Positional Simulator to simulate a flight path, allowing for a complete dynamic AC 20-165B performance verification, and identify any compliance failures prior to flying the aircraft. A detailed ADS-B Out compliance report can be generated showing pass/fail criteria, along with detailed analysis of system latency. For development and factory test, the application controls our IFF-45TS/A and GPSG-1000 for a complete dynamic performance verification.
- ADS-B equipment installation verification
- Complete AC 20-165B fast and convenient reporting to identify installation issues
- STC support
- Eliminate post STC operational flights
- Coupled testing in the hangar or on the flight line, eliminates:
- Open sky requirements
- GPS repeater
- Weather issues
- Interference with ATC operations
- Saves time and money
Performance verification of:
- ADS-B Transponders
- UAT Transceivers
- GPS Receivers
Plots of instantaneous and average system latency, velocity at average latency, and instantaneous positional error based on linear track are available
Required Equipment for ADS-B Installation/Verification and Performance Report
- 72422 IFR6000 Mode A/C/S Transponder/DME Test Set
- or
- (72424 IFR6015 Military version including E-TCAS and TACAN)
- 83411 6000OPT3 ADS-B 1090 Mhz Option
- 112795 6000OPT5 UAT 978 Mhz Option (if applicable)
- 140609 * 6000OPT6 ADS-B Integrity Test Option*
- 12350 UC-584 Coupler Kit, Single Antenna (recommended)
- 91136 Coupler Kit, Dual Antenna GPS Systems (if required)
- 91137 Coupler Kit, Triple Antenna GPS Systems (if required)
- 87339 GPSG-1000 Twelve Satellite GPS Simulator
- 140607 GPSGOPT3 ADS-B Integrity Test Option * This option includes the ADS-B INTEGRITY™ app
PC Minimum Requirements
- Windows® XP or Windows® 7 32-bit (or later)
- CPU: Intel® Core 2 Duo P8400 2.26 GHz or equivalent
- RAM: 2GB Monitor: XGA (1024 x 768) or higher
- Free Disk Space: 1GB