M12M Replacement Receiver

The M12M Replacement Receiver can be used as a stand-alone GNSS receiver via the USB interfaces, or as a plug-and-play upgrade receiver for legacy equipment.

The M12M Replacement Receiver is designed to be form, fit, and function compatible to the legacy Motorola®/iLotus M12+ and M12M timing and navigation receivers while providing significant performance and feature enhancements and upgrades by using a late-model 8th-generation high-end GNSS Timing receiver. This unit can be used as a stand-alone GNSS receiver via the USB interfaces, or as a plug-and-play upgrade receiver for legacy equipment.

The unit is designed to replace the legacy receiver, instantly improving positioning and timing performance, cold-start and capture time, tracking sensitivity, noise immunity especially multipath and jamming immunity, as well as adding a host of additional features such as multi-GNSS system reception. The M12M replacement receiver supports GPS, SBAS (WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS/ GAGAN etc.), Glonass, QZSS, BeiDou, and later Galileo GNSS reception, with the capability to have any two GNSS systems being received at the same time. The unit also includes smart software that senses the vehicle dynamics and can quickly auto-adjust the Kalman filter parameters to optimize the position/timing fix, optimizing the performance dependent on actual vehicle dynamics.

The M12M replacement receiver also adds the capability of generating a highly accurate frequency on a mini-coax (U.Fl) connector through a buffered 3 V CMOS output that can generate a user-programmable GNSS-synchronized frequency ranging from 1 Hz to over 14 MHz typically (10 MHz guaranteed).

The M12M replacement receiver is designed to fit directly into the popular JLT Fury GPSDO as well as the popular Microsemi/Symmetricom XLI servers and can be used to retrofit Fury and XLI units to bring these up to the feature-sets and performance levels that the best GNSS receiver of 2015 can provide.

The M12M replacement receiver can also be used as a stand-alone, low-power, size, and cost (SWAPC) GNSS receiver/synthesizer by powering the unit from its USB connector(s), and it includes DIP switches as well as 7-segment and status LED’s for easy configuration and status reporting. 


  • Better than 0.7 m rms Horizontal Accuracy (WAAS, in motion), 5 ns rms 1 PPS stability (Sawtooth Corrected)
  • Runs from USB or M12M power supply
  • 72 Channel GPS/Glonass/BeiDou/QZSS/SBAS receiver (any two GNSS at once)
  • Adjustable 1 Hz to 10 MHz+ NCO Synthesizer, UTC synchronized
  • NMEA, SCPI, and Motorola Binary Protocol support
  • Signal Strength, Sat Status, UTC Time Display
  • Form, Fit, Function compatible to Motorola/iLotus M12M/M12+
  • Mission-dependent auto-adjusted Kalman Filter Parameters
  • Includes DIP switches as well as 7-segment and status LED’s for easy configuration and status reporting
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