LC-XO GPS Disciplined Oscillator

Ultra small GPSDO

At only 0.97 x 0.97 inches in size, the LC-XO is the smallest true GPS-Disciplined-Oscillator (GPSDO) on the market today. The LC-XO was designed to be soldered onto a customer PCB or plugged into a standard 100-mil pin-spacing DIP socket for optional retrofitting. The LC-XO is designed for high-volume, low-cost production applications. It provides all the software features of the larger GPSDO such as full SCPI command support, NMEA output support, a WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS 50-channel GPS receiver, a 10 MHz and 1 PPS input, a 1 PPS output, and field- upgradable firmware.

The LC-XO is available in either OCXO or TCXO versions and represents the smallest SWAP GPSDO on the market today. Phase noise and frequency stability are not compromised, and the unit achieves a -155 dBc/Hz noise floor with better than 5 parts per trillion frequency stability over 5 hours of operation. The unit includes internal 3.3 V to 5 V DC-DC power supplies and filters and can provide 5 V at up to 50 mA to external customer circuitry, as well as to the external GPS antenna. The unit provides ALARM/EVENT/LOCK status signals in TTL format and serial format and has a dual LED on board for status indication.


  • Ultra small (0.97 x 0.97 inch) GPSDO
  • Low Cost OCXO or TCXO version
  • Less than 0.5 W (TCXO), +3.3 V power supply
  • +/-25 ppb stability over temperature
  • Can be soldered onto a PCB, or socketed
  • Very fast heater warmup of less than 1 minute
  • External 1 PPS input with auto-switchover function


  • High-volume, low-cost production applications. 
  • Soldered onto a PCB
  • Plugged into a standard 100-mil pin-spacing DIP socket for optional retrofitting. 



