CX300 ComXpert 是一款功能全面的无线通信综合测试解决方案,为无线电技术人员提供了一种简便易用的测试仪器,并可以满足外场测试的应用需求。CX300 凭借结构紧凑的加固型设计,以便携式仪表的架构为用户提供了实验室级仪表的高性能和全功能。CX300 将无线电测试体验推向了前所未有的新高度。
CX300 独具开创性全新设计的用户界面和大尺寸彩色触摸屏。多个测试选项卡的设计风格,允许您在不同测试设置之间即时切换,而无需耗费时间重新加载仪表设置。类似于互联网浏览器的设计理念带来独特的用户体验,操作人员只需按一下按钮就能在不同测试功能之间顺畅切换。
久负盛名的 VIAVI 自动化测试和校准应用套件是 CX300 上的一个功能选件。这些自动测试应用程序得到全球知名无线电设备制造商和服务中心的认证,可执行符合特定 OEM 维护规程的快速、可重复和精确的测试和校准。
使用 VIAVI StrataSync 可轻松保存和访问手动和自动测试的测试结果。StrataSync 是一个基于云端的解决方案,可从世界任何地方提供远程的资产配置和测试数据管理。CX300 仪表可利用无线通信技术将测试结果上传到云或使用最新软件更新测试仪表,这将大大减轻您的工作负荷。
免费的 VIAVI Smart Access Anywhere 应用软件可从 Apple App 和 Google Play 商店获得,该软件提供了对测试设备的全功能远程控制。
App Store 和 App Store 徽标是 Apple Inc. 的注册商标。
- 频率范围从 100 kHz 到 6 GHz
- 多选项卡用户界面,类似于互联网浏览器的设计风格
- 对测试结果的智能彩色编码,实现一目了然的测试结果判定
- VIAVI 自动测试应用程序,适用于所有主流 LMR 和 PMR 无线电厂商和设备
- VIAVI StrataSync 集成提供了资产、配置和测试数据管理
- 使用 Windows、Android 和 iOS 通过 Smart Access Anywhere 远程控制测试仪表
- Introducing the CX300 ComXpert Communications Service Monitor
- Lesson 1: Setting up the CX300 Graphical User Interface
- Lesson 5: How to Test and Align a Duplexer on the CX300
- Lesson 6: How to Test a Cable and Antenna on the CX300
- Lesson 7: How to Perform the Calibration Procedure on the CX300 Cable and Antenna Analysis Option (SCAA)
- 第 2 课:CX300 选装的自动测试应用程序
- 第 2 课:提高 CX300 功率测量精度的方法
- 第 4 课:如何使用 CX300 测量测试电缆的插入损耗
Care Support Plans
Product Group | Recommend Plan | Bronze | Silver | Maxcare | Why Calibrate? |
CX300 | CX300-Silver-5 | Why calibrate this product? What are the common issues? |
VIAVI Care Support for Existing Equipment
FleetCareFleetCare plans can be customized to include any service entitlements on your fleet of existing equipment. Please fill out a Service Contracts form for a quote.
- Any collection instruments with a single coterminous renewal date
- Each contract is customized with any number of annual terms required by the customer
- Onsite Calibration, Training, Field Application Engineer days can be added
Certified Calibration Care Plan Add-ons
(Requires corresponding Silver Care/MaxCare Plan)
- CERT-CAL-DATA-3 Certified Calibration Data - Pre and Post Cal Data Report for Care Plans - First 3 Years
- CERT-CAL-DATA-5 Certified Calibration Data - Pre and Post Cal Data Report
Repair and Calibration
Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles. We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests.
Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:
- Minimize business disruption
- Budget
- Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
- Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards