全自动 FVA 台式显微镜
这款新型的 FVA 数字光纤显微镜是一套实现检验过程完全自动化的独一无二的设备,能够大大缩短检验时间,简化工作流程。 FVA 显微镜用于检测光纤连接器的抛光表面,其高分辨率结果也非常适合高质量端面抛光后检测。 它还可用于检测技术人员可能会错过的划痕,为您提供业界长期寻求的超高灵敏度。 FVA 是由 12V 适配器(附带)和通过 USB 2.0 由电脑供电。
FiberChek2 是一种通过自动检测和分析以确定光纤端面可接受性的先进应用程序。它识别和表明缺陷和污渍,并确定相对于纤芯的具体位置。然后,它按照预先配置的失效准则,产生一个合格/不合格 (Pass/Fail) 的结果。
- 全自动、可重复的光纤检验系统,无需主观感知,保证检验的准确性
- 不再需要手动聚焦光纤,显著降低总检测时间
- 记录您的产品是否符合端面质量标准,如 IEC-61300-3-35
- 轻松定义和执行您的合格/不合格标准
- 在制造和质量保障环境中自动对光纤连接器进行检测并分析
- 自动对焦,对准,捕捉和分析光纤端面图像,并获得即时的合格/不合格结果
- 标准化的光纤检验和分析程序
- 全自动检测系统:
- 快速和持续地对焦和对准光纤端面
- 定位缺陷和划痕,并进行计数
- 评估合格/不合格标准
- 可调节、可扩展的从全手动到全自动的自动化设置
- 以 HTML 或 PDF 格式存储结果和图像,并生成综合报告
- 通过 USB 2.0 直接连接电脑
VIAVI Care Support for Existing Equipment
FleetCareFleetCare plans can be customized to include any service entitlements on your fleet of existing equipment. Please fill out a Service Contracts form for a quote.
- Any collection instruments with a single coterminous renewal date
- Each contract is customized with any number of annual terms required by the customer
- Onsite Calibration, Training, Field Application Engineer days can be added
Repair and Calibration
Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles. We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests.
Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:
- Minimize business disruption
- Budget
- Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
- Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards