安全和弹性定位、导航和授时 (PNT) 服务对于支持面临风险的关键基础设施而言至关重要,这些基础设施可能会受到与日俱增的 PNT 中断的影响,比如针对 GPS/GNSS 天线的复杂干扰/欺骗网络攻击,以及针对 NTP/PTP 协议和 GPS/GNSS 接收器的网络定时恶意黑客攻击。
安全和弹性 PNT 时钟解决方案
升级后的 SecurePNT™ 6200 系列是下一代的弹性授时时钟解决方案,由创新的 TrustedPNT™ 技术和智能零信任多源平台提供支持。

- L1/2/3/5/6+RTK GNSS 接收器,支持 GEO 卫星信号,并且可选 LEO STL 接收器
- 保持选项:DOCXO 或 Rb 振荡器(内部)
- 输入:外部铯钟保持为 10 MHz 和 1 PPS
- 输出:10 MHz/1 PPS
- 系统:满足 PRTC-A ITU-T G.8272 规格,NEBS 认证,19 英寸的一半宽,可通过机架安装
- 具有新的 SecureTime℠ 服务的安全和弹性 PNT 时钟解决方案,在 GPS/GNSS 上集成这些替代和增强来源:
- altGNSS℠ LEO——增强、加密、独立于 GNSS 的来源,RMS 精度小于 65 纳秒,可追溯到 UTC/NIST,由 Iridium 的 STL 服务提供支持
- eGNSS℠ GEO——增强 GNSS 来源,具备经过身份验证的检测/缓解和小于 2.5 ns 的超高精度,可追溯到 UTC,由 Inmarsat 上的 Fugro AtomiChon® 服务提供支持
- 适用于 GPS/GNSS 被拒止或室内环境的增强 PNT 时钟
- 通过在 GPS/GNSS 天线及其接收器之间内联放置 SecurePNT 6200(集成 VIAVI Solutions 拥有专利的 μPNTranscoder™),改造传统 GPS/GNSS 设备,从而快速将传统时钟大规模转变成弹性 PNT 时钟
Care Support Plans
Product Group | Recommend Plan | Bronze | Silver | Maxcare | Why Calibrate? |
SecurePNT 6200 | Bronze-4 | Why calibrate this product? |
SecureTime Services
VIAVI offers warranty and Avionics Maintenance and Repair Care Plans that include hardware and labor costs for repair, and annual certified calibrations performed at the factory during the duration of the service contract.
Repair and Calibration
Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles. We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests.
Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:
- Minimize business disruption
- Budget
- Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
- Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards