SmartOTDRTM 基础手持式光纤测试仪是一款适用于任何级别技术人员的、经济实惠的、易于使用的仪表,通过可靠的无线连接选件,可随时随地提高工作效率。它将所有基础光纤测试需求, OTDR 测量、光纤端面分析、光损耗测试功能和可视故障定位功能整合到一台设备中。
- 可确保轻松快捷地进行测量
一触式操作、自动分析以及适用于不同技能等级的定制 OTDR 用户界面 - 可从网络中的任何地方管理数据
多个连接选件(通过 USB 和可选的蓝牙/WiFi 进行 3G/4G 智能手机连接)可实现远程控制,并可与平板电脑、智能手机和计算机进行数据和工作指令的交互。 - 降低拥有成本
- 优化 现场操作
轻巧、超级紧凑的免提式设计,以及长达 20 小时的超长自主使用时间
- 对点对点接入&城域光纤网络进行特征分析
- 对 FTTH/PON 网络进行验证和故障诊断
- 对单模 FTTA/DAS 前传进行验证和故障诊断
- 拥有1310、1550 和在线 1625 纳米的单波长/双波长/三波长版本
- 针对 PON 优化,可穿透测试 1x128 分路器
- 自动光纤检查通过/失败分析软件
- OTDR 端口上集成连续波长光源
- 内置光功率计和 VFL 选件
- 5 英寸multitouch触摸屏

StrataSync 是托管式云解决方案,可为 VIAVI 仪器提供资产、配置和测试数据管理功能,并保证所有仪器均已安装最新的软件和选项。StrataSync Core 免费支持 OneExpert 平台。StrataSync Plus 也可用于增强数据管理功能。
- FTTA SmartLink Mapper (SLM) application user manual
- FTTH SmartLink Mapper (SLM) application user manual
- OTDR application User Manual: 4100 Series OTDR modules, and SmartOTDR
- SmartOTDR Getting Started Guide
- SmartOTDR User Manual
- SmartOTDR 用戶快速操作手冊 (简体中文)
- 光纤到天线 (FTTA) 安装和维护测试快速入门指南 - 第 2 卷 — 第 2 层认证 (简体中文)
- Fiber - OTDR Testing, Tips and Tricks
- OneExpert 580 - SmartOTDR SL OTDR Testing
- P5000i - Fiber Inspection with the SmartOTDR
- P5000i - PON Fiber Inspection with the SmartOTDR
- Quick Card: T-BERD/MTS-2000 - StrataSync
- Quick Card: T-BERD/MTS-2000 and SmartOTDR - Fiber License Installation
- Quick Card: T-BERD/MTS-2000 and SmartOTDR - Transferring Configuration files from USB
- Quick Card: T-BERD/MTS-2000 and SmartOTDR - Using an Android Mobile Hotspot for Connectivity
- Quick Card: T-BERD/MTS-2000 and SmartOTDR - Using an iOS Personal Hotspot for Connectivity
- 5G 网络中的光纤 (简体中文)
- Fiber in 5G Networks
- Is there a need for 1490 nm testing in PONs?
- Reference Guide to Fiber Optic Testing: Volume 1
- Reference Guide to Fiber Optic Testing: Volume 2
- Test Guide to DAA Planning Deployment & Maintenance
- Testing 5G: Tools and Techniques for Successful Implementation, Maintenance and Monetization
- 下一代 PON 部署中的挑战 (简体中文)
- 选择正确的光时域反射仪 (OTDR) (简体中文)
- Expert OTDR
- Fiber Complete, New Features in v21.x
- Learn how to perform a Fusion splice with Sumitomo and VIAVI
- Light Reading: Perspective on Fiber Trends in Communications Networks
- MTS-2000: 在专家模式下使用OTDR (cc-简体中文)
- OTDR Smart Test Assistant
- SmartOTDR Handheld Fiber Tester
- SmartOTDR Use Case
- StrataSync TPA Overview
- T-BERD/MTS: How to Inspect Fiber with T-BERD/MTS handheld testers
- T-BERD/MTS: How to Transfer Files from T-BERD
- T-BERD/MTS: Using the OTDR in Easy Mode
- T-BERD/MTS: Using the OTDR in Real Time
- T-BERD/MTS: Using the T-BERD Source and Power Meter
- The Future of Gigabit Service to the Home
- What Does Testing Look Like on VIAVI OTDRs?
- What Is Smart Link Mapper (SLM)?
- 发现光纤测试的新体验 (简体中文)
Care Support Plans
Product Group | Recommend Plan | Bronze | Silver | Maxcare | Why Calibrate? |
SmartOTDRs | MaxCare-5 | Why calibrate this product? What are the common issues? |
VIAVI Care Support for Existing Equipment
FleetCareFleetCare plans can be customized to include any service entitlements on your fleet of existing equipment. Please fill out a Service Contracts form for a quote.
- Any collection instruments with a single coterminous renewal date
- Each contract is customized with any number of annual terms required by the customer
- Onsite Calibration, Training, Field Application Engineer days can be added
Repair and Calibration
Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles. We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests.
Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:
- Minimize business disruption
- Budget
- Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
- Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards
Training Courses