MTS-5800 手持式网络测试仪是网络技术人员和工程师在安装、开通和维护网络时所必需的一种工具。它支持各种传统技术和新兴技术,可自如应对各种各样的网络应用,包括城域/核心、移动回传和企业服务网络。业界最小的手持式仪表,可在整个业务周期内的各个阶段进行测试,包括光纤特性分析、服务激活、故障排除和维护。先进的以太网测试功能(例如依据 RFC 6349 的 TrueSpeed、J-Profiler™、线速捕获/解码以及自动化 J-Mentor),可帮助现场技术人员比以往更快速、更准确地测试网络。向 VIAVI 专家了解有关光纤测试和 OTDR 测试的更多信息。
- 使用全功能双 10 G 手持式设备简化多技术测试
- 通过多触点屏幕、脚本化工作流和清晰的结果,针对现场使用进行了优化
- 以可重复方法和程序支持高效最佳实践
- 加快光纤特征分析、以太网服务激活和故障排查测试的速度
- 使基站技术人员能够轻松地安装和维护回传和前传网络
- 不再需要花费昂贵的成本和冒着重重危险攀爬发射塔
- 全面支持 TDM/PDH 至双 10 G 以太网、SONET、SDH、光纤通道和 OTN
- 依据 ITU-T Y.1564 的自动化增强型 RFC 2544 测试和 SAMComplete 测试
- 依据 MEF 34 和 RFC 6349 TrueSpeed™ TCP 吞吐量测试的集成突发测试方法
- 包括 PTP/1588v2、SyncE、Wander 和“单向延迟”测试在内的集成定时/同步测试
- 前传测试 CPRI/OBSAI 层一/层二以及基带单元和远程射频单元仿真
- 单端口和双端口版本
- 与 VIAVI 4100 系列 OTDR 模块以及智能链路映射 (SLM™)、光纤显微镜和光功率计兼容 - 详细了解 OTDR 测试
- BBU 仿真
- 移动和回传特征分析、验证及故障排查
- 在 10 Mbps 至 10 G 接口上进行聚合以太网/IP 网络测试和故障排除
- 光纤链路特征分析和故障排查
- OTN 以及传统 SONET/SDH 和 TDM/PDH 网络的安装和维护
- 无线同步技术(例如 PTP/1588v2 和 SyncE)的安装和维护
- 在无线基站处进行的远程射频头 (RRH) 测试
- 通过 CPRI 链路和 BBU 仿真,从塔底测试 RRH 运行状况
- 从光测试接入点处确定 PIM 和干扰问题 (RFoCPRI)
Part of The VIAVI Remote PHY Solution
This product is part of the comprehensive VIAVI Remote PHY turn-up and maintenance solution enabling seamless transitions from legacy to distributed access architectures.
CWDM OTDR 模块(4100 系列)
可用于部署或维护在线 CWDM 光纤网络并对其进行故障排查的 CWDM OTDR 测试解决方案 -
DWDM OTDR 模块(4100 系列)
可用于部署、维护在线 DWDM 光纤网络并对其进行故障排查的 DWDM OTDR 测试解决方案 -
OTDR 模块(4100 系列)
OTDR 测试解决方案,用于长途网络、城域网、FTTx/PON、接入网和企业网络的安装、开通和维护。 -
CWDM 光谱分析仪模块 (COSA-4055)
COSA-4055 手持式模块具有传统 OSA 的功能和速度,而价格只有传统 OSA 的几分之一。它是城域/接入链路和 CWDM 系统的理想测试工具。 -
DWDM 光信道检查仪模块 (OCC-4056C)
OCC-4056C 手持式模块具有传统 OSA 的功能和速度,而价格只有传统 OSA 的几分之一。它是城域/接入链路和 DWDM 系统的理想测试工具。 -
Nano OSA 模块(4100 系列)
紧凑型 Nano OSA™ 模块提供全波段高分辨率测量,用于通道验证和光谱分析,采用现场加固封装,适用于任何 WDM 服务的部署。 -
定时扩展模块 V2 (TEM V2)
通过在现场便携式定时和同步测量中实现业界领先的精度,针对现场优化的定时扩展模块版本 2 (TEM V2) 能够帮助网络运营商保持精确的同步。
VIAVI Provides Benchmarking and Validation for Global O-RAN Plugfest
产品 Flash
VIAVI Solutions announces the redesign and update of its OTDR product range
产品 Flash
VIAVI Solutions introduces new compact optical channel checker module for DWDM or Hybrid CWDM/DWDM network testing
VIAVI Announces 2019 Velocity Partner Program Award Winners
- 5G Network Deployment Handbook
- 5G 网络部署手册 (简体中文)
- Burst Testing Ethernet Networks
- DAS Deployment Overview: Streamlined Approaches for DAS Deployments
- Importance of Testing Public-Safety Mobile Networks
- Test Suite for O-RAN Specifications
- Verifying Telecom Synchronization Networks
- 必不可少的分布式 天线系统 (DAS) 部署测试 (简体中文)
- 通过 VIAVI Solutions TrueSpeed 进行的 RFC 6349 测试— 像客户一样体验您的网络 (简体中文)
- AOC/DAC/Breakout Cable Tester
- DWDM Test and Monitoring Solutions for MSOs
- DWDM Test and Monitoring Solutions for Wireless Service Providers
- Easy Remote Testing of Radiohead Operation with CPRI and OBSAI
- Enhanced RFC 2544 for Single-Service Test
- Essentials of Ethernet Service Activation Overview
- FTTH - 智能链路映射仪(光纤到户-SLM) (简体中文)
- IEEE C37.94 Testing with the T-BERD/MTS-5800 Family
- J-Proof for Layer 2 Control Pane Transparency Test
- J-Quick for Basic Connectivity & ThroughPut Test
- MTS-5800 全功能手持式网络和光纤测试 (简体中文)
- MTS-5882 - 适用于 RAN 技术人员的全功能手持式测试仪 (简体中文)
- MTS-5882 - 全功能测试仪提升电力企业的可靠性 (简体中文)
- One-Way Delay and PTP (IEEE 1588v2) Test Applications
- RFC 6349 Test with TrueSpeed
- Solutions to Accelerate Base Station Development and Roll-Out
- StrataSync 云端测试仪表和数据管理平台 (简体中文)
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 All-In-One Tester Promotes Power Utility Reliability
- TrueSpeed: RFC 6349 Compliant TCP Test
- Verifying Optical Transport Networks
- Verifying Telecom Synchronization Systems
- Verifying Wireless Fronthaul Networks
- VIAVI Fibre Channel Testing
- Y.1564 SAMComplete for Multi-Service Test
- 数据通信扩展模块 MTS 5800 (简体中文)
- 正在考虑使用 DAA/R-PHY?(简体中文)
- 迈向全面 5G 的三个步骤 (简体中文)
- 5G Architecture and Specifications
- Automate Your Testing with Job Manager (Infographic)
- OIF FlexE 2.0 - Flexible Use of Ethernet
- Timing and Synchronization Infographic: Vital for 5G-NR TDD Network Success
- Timing and Synchronization Poster
- TrueSpeed Poster: Experience Your Network As Your Customers Do
- 开放式 RAN 环境中的 五大测试挑战 (简体中文)
- Fiber - OTDR Testing, Tips and Tricks
- Network & Service Companion - Ethernet iPerf Network Performance Measurement
- Network & Service Companion - Ethernet Layer 2 Traffic Loopback
- P5000i - Fiber Inspection with the T-BERD/MTS-5800 Platform
- Quick Card: MP-Series USB Power Meter - Measuring Optical Insertion Loss using the T-BERD/MTS-5800
- Quick Card: MP-Series USB Power Meter – Measuring Light Levels with the T-BERD/MTS 5800
- Quick Card: T-BERD/MTS-5800 - 4100-series OTDR, Expert OTDR
- Quick Card: T-BERD/MTS-5800 - 4100-series OTDR, Smart Test Assistant
- Quick Card: T-BERD/MTS-5800 - CWDM Expert OTDR
- Quick Card: T-BERD/MTS-5800 - GNSS Reception Test
- Quick Card: T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Monitoring DS3 Signals at a Digital Cross Connect Panel
- Quick Card: T-BERD/MTS-5800 - OCC-4056 DWDM Channel Checker Module
- Quick Tech Tip: Getting the Most Out of 16 QAM
- Quick Tech Tip: How to Test and Certify AOC/DAC Cables for Data Centers
- Quick Tech Tip: Quickly Find Fiber-to-the-Antenna (FTTA) Issues
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - 5GNR Discovery
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Assigning Floating Options in Stratasync
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - C37.94 BERT
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - CPRI Check, Dark Fiber and WDM Loopback Testing
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - CPRI Check, RRU Connectivity Testing
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - CPRI Check, RRU Testing with Nokia/ALU BBU Emulation and RF over CPRI Spectrum Analysis
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - CPRI Check, SFP/SFP+ Loopback Testing
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - CWDM Optical Spectrum Analyzer (COSA)
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - CWDM OTDR Smart Test Assistant
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Datacom BERT
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - DS1 PPP Ping Testing (T1 MPLS)
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - DS3 Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT)
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - DWDM Expert OTDR
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - DWDM OTDR Smart Test Assistant
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - E4100 Module Optical Insertion Loss
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - E4100 Module Optical Light Source Option
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - E4100 Module Optical Power Meter
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Enabling the GNSS/GPS Receiver for Sky Plot, One-Way Delay, and Sync Measurements
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Enabling the Timing Expansion Module
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet AOC/DAC Breakout Cable Testing
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet AOC/DAC Cable Testing
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT)
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Capture Decode in Copper 10-100-1000 Dual Through Mode v28.0
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet J-Profiler VLAN Analysis
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Layer 2 Traffic Generation
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Layer 2 Traffic Loopback
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Layer 3 IPv4 Ping Test
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Layer 3 Multicast Analysis
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Layer 3 Multicast Traffic
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Layer 3 Traffic Generation
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Layer 3 Traffic Loopback
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Optics Self-Test
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Packet Capture from an Optical TAP, v28.0
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Packet Capture from SPAN port, v28.0
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Packet Capture in Copper 10-100-1000 Dual Through Mode v28.0
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Packet Capture in Optical SFP Through Mode v29.0
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet RFC 2544 Layer 2 Traffic
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet RFC 2544 Layer 3 Traffic
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet RFC 6349 TrueSpeed - Local Unit
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet RFC 6349 TrueSpeed - Remote Unit
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet RFC 6349 TrueSpeed Test to Fusion VNF
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Voice over IP (VOIP) SIP Trunk Testing
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Y.1564 L2 Multiple Streams
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Ethernet Y.1564 L2 Traffic
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Exporting System Information and Software Option Inventory
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Fiber Channel Layer 2 Traffic
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - FTTA OTDR, Cell Tower Maintenance
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - IEEE 1588v2 Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) G.8265.1 Telecom Profile Architecture Verification
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - IEEE 1588v2 Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) G.8275.1 Telecom Profile Architecture Verification
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - IEEE 1588v2 Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) G.8275.2 Telecom Profile Architecture Verification
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - IEEE 1588v2 Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) Telecom Profile 2008 Architecture Verification
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Installing New Options Using an Option Key
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI) Testing
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Measuring the Time Delay of a Satellite Antenna and Cable System
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Monitoring DS1 Signals at a Digital Cross Connect Panel
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - One Way Delay (OWD) Measurement
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - OTN Check Test
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Real Time Testing with Expert OTDR
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Real Time Testing with OTDR Smart Test Assistant
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Remote Operation and File Transfer with Smart Access Anywhere
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - SONET Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT)
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - StrataSync
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - T1 Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT)
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Tuning SFP+ Transceiver
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Updating Software via Internet
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Using the Android Mobile Tech App
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 - Using the iOS Mobile Tech App
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 – Ethernet Layer 4 TCP WireSpeed Throughput Test to an iPERFv3 Server
- T-BERD/MTS-5800 – Updating Software with a USB Flash Drive
- Wireless - OneAdvisor 800 - CPRI Analyzer Based PIM Detection and Mitigation
- Benchmarking O-RAN Performance
- Ethernet Service OAM Standards and Functionality
- Next-Generation Cellular Backhaul
- NITRO Wireless Open RAN Test Suite 2024
- O-RAN:支持 5G 应用的开放生态系统 (简体中文)
- Open Fronthaul Test Applications with T-BERD/MTS-5800
- Reference Guide to Fiber Optic Testing: Volume 1
- Reference Guide to Fiber Optic Testing: Volume 2
- Remote PHY 架构: 运营的挑战和机会 (简体中文)
- Testing 5G: Tools and Techniques for Successful Implementation, Maintenance and Monetization
- The Evolution of Fronthaul Networks
- The Path to 5G
- 改进仪器管理, 提高工作流效率 (简体中文)
- COSA-4055 CWDM Optical Channel Checker
- Fiber Complete, New Features in v21.x
- Lighting the Path to 5G: A Deeper Dive
- Lighting the Path to 5G: The Complexities of 5G
- Lighting the Path to the Future
- Network Slicing: 5G Networks
- OTDR 2.0 Test Application Video Gallery
- StrataSync TPA Overview
- T-BERD/MTS 5800: Fiber Inspection with P5000i
- T-BERD/MTS 5800: OTDR Smart Test Assistant
- T-BERD/MTS 5800: Y.1564 Layer 2 Multiple Streams
- T-BERD/MTS: How to Inspect Fiber with T-BERD/MTS handheld testers
- T-BERD/MTS: How to Reference with FiberComplete
- T-BERD/MTS: How to Set Up FiberComplete
- T-BERD/MTS: How to Transfer Files from T-BERD
- T-BERD/MTS: Using the T-BERD Source and Power Meter
- VIAVI 5G 解决方案概述
- Webinar: Even Virtual Networks Need Real Testing
- Analyzing live network traffic with the T-BERD/MTS-5800
- Automating Test Workflow to Accelerate Jobs
- Ethernet and CPRI SFP testing
- Ethernet Basics
- Even Virtual Networks Need Real Testing
- Getting Started with the T-BERD/MTS-5800
- GPS Antenna and NTP Testing with the T-BERD/MTS 5800 and JD785B
- How to Effectively Operationalize DAA
- Layer 3 Testing with the T-BERD/MTS-5800
- Layer 4 Testing with the T-BERD/MTS-5800
- O-RAN Testing
- Remote Service Testing with the T-BERD 5800
- Selecting the best method to measure Ethernet Network Performance with the T-BERD 5800
- Test Process Automation with Job Manager, Stratasync and the Mobile Tech App
- Testing Business Voice Services witht the T-BERD/MTS-5800: ISDN PRI and SIP Trunks
- Testing CWDM, DWDM, and CPRI in the CRAN Fronthaul
- Testing Ethernet at 10Gig and Beyond with the T-BERD/MTS-5800
- The Essentials of Ethernet Service Activation - Part 1
- The Essentials of Ethernet Service Activation - Part 2
- The Essentials of Ethernet Service Activation - Part 3
- The Sudden Rise of Open RAN
- Transport Technologies and Testing Strategies for 5G Deployment
- Understanding 5G: Lessons from the Field
Care Support Plans
Product Group | Recommend Plan | Bronze | Silver | Maxcare | Why Calibrate? |
T-BERD/MTS-58xx incl. 100G | MaxCare-5 | Why calibrate this product? What are the common issues? |
T-BERD/MTS-58xx Rackmount - MAP-2100 | MaxCare-5 | Why calibrate this product? What are the common issues? |
VIAVI Care Support for Existing Equipment
FleetCareFleetCare plans can be customized to include any service entitlements on your fleet of existing equipment. Please fill out a Service Contracts form for a quote.
- Any collection instruments with a single coterminous renewal date
- Each contract is customized with any number of annual terms required by the customer
- Onsite Calibration, Training, Field Application Engineer days can be added
Repair and Calibration
Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles. We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests.
Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:
- Minimize business disruption
- Budget
- Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
- Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards
Refurbished Equipment
Save on the test equipment you trust and purchase VIAVI pre-owned test equipment with confidence.
Top reasons for buying used test equipment un the VIAVI Encore program
- Cost saving: Round out your test instrument set at a discount.
- Accelerated delivery time: The product is ready to ship as soon as it is announced.
- 1 year warranty, calibration and OEM approved parts are included in the refurbishment
- Environmentally friendly reuse reduces e-waste and pollution
- Maintaining consistent procedures across your team is easy when everyone is using the same tool
Is Instrument Trade-In to Trade up available?
Yes! You can often trade in products you have owned for a few years and upgrade to the latest and greatest fleet for your team through the VIAVI trade in program. Please work with your sales representative to obtain a trade-in to trade-up quotation.
Training Courses