面向 PCI Express 4.0 的 Xgig 4K16 协议分析器/干扰器平台是一个单一平台,支持在堆栈的所有层对 PCIe 第四代协议流量进行同步协议分析和错误注入。它支持链路速度分别为 2.5 GT/s、5.0 GT/s、8.0 GT/s 和 16 GT/s 的 x1、x2、x4、x8 和 x16 数据通路宽度。Xgig 4K16 是 VIAVI 协议产品系列中新增的 PCI Express 4.0 分析仪和干扰器测试工具。
前面板上的多色 LED 指示链路速度、通道宽度和信号质量。在当今需要对诸如以太网、SAS 和 FC 等其他接口进行集成分析的复杂多协议环境中,Xgig 4K16 PCIe 分析仪可与为这些协议设计的其他 VIAVI 协议分析仪连接,提供时间相关多协议视图。
Xgig 4K16 PCIe 4.0 协议分析仪/干扰器机箱配备 128 GB 内存,其中 64 GB 用于上行流量捕获,64 GB 用于下行流量捕获。机箱提供了高级 PCIe 和 NVMe 触发器和搜索功能,旨在缩短调试和解决问题时的停机时间。软件和固件支持最新的 PCIe 和 NVMe 规范,可将 PCIe 协议栈每一层的所有错误通知用户,其中包括 LTSSM 查看器内的状态级和子状态级错误。Xgig PCI Express 协议分析仪的其他功能包括:接口适配卡自动调谐、PCIe 和 NVMe 设备和地址、配置空间查看器、PCIe 链路性能测量、跟踪视图数据包压缩,以及 PERST#、PEDET#、PEWAKE# 和 CLKREQ# 的边带信号触发器。
Xgig 4K16 PCIe 协议分析仪配备整套接口适配卡和探针,可支持所有 PCIe 和 NVMe 连接器接口,包括新增的 x8 和 x16 焊入式悬空引线探针。Xgig 4K16 使用时间同步的数据包跟踪视图,支持随 PCIe 或 NVMe 数据包一起显示 SMBus 捕获。
有关详细信息,请联系您当地的 VIAVI 代表,或在我们的 PCIe 页面上查找更多资源。
Xgig 4K16 PCI Express 4.0 协议分析仪/干扰器的主要功能
- 接口适配卡:x8 和 x16 插槽、x4 悬空引线箱、x4 M.2、x4 U.2(在双端口中可用)以及 x16 SFF-8644
- 配备 128GB 内存的 1U+ 机箱(64GB 上行及 64GB 下行)
- 主机与客户端连接,可用于远程调试(使用以太网)或本地调试(使用 USB)
- SMB 捕获和触发器或实现 NVMe 管理接口 (NVMe-MI) 观测
- 可使用一个接口适配卡在单一机箱上同时进行分析和干扰
- 可对所有协议栈层上的所有 PCIe 和 NVMe 流量进行解码,包括 TLP、DLLP 和 PHY 层逻辑子块
- 触发器和搜索事件包括训练序列、有序集、队列对、PRP、分散/集中列表 (SGL)、SMB 等
- 机箱上的TAP上下行端口允许配置分析-错误注入-分析模式(AJA)
- 可将最多 4 个 Xgig 捕获级联到单一视图中
- 全面支持 PCI Express 的 LTSSM
- 为一次进行多种类型 Trace 捕获备有内存分割
- 可在现场更换模块化风扇和电源组件
- 便携、轻巧且可独立使用
- Xgig 4K16 PCI Express 4.0 协议分析核销/干扰器的一年硬件和三年软件保修
Xgig CEM-slot, 4-lane Interposer Module for PCI Express 4.0
The PCIe4, 4-lane CEM-slot Interposer enables debug and verification of new ICs, system hardware designs, FPGA firmware, validation of system BIOS and software. -
Xgig CEM, 8-lane Interposer Module for PCI Express 4.0
The PCIe4, 8-lane CEM-slot Interposer enables debug and verification of new ICs, system hardware designs, FPGA firmware, validation of system BIOS and software. -
Xgig CEM Type-B, 16-lane Interposer Module for PCI Express 4.0
The PCIe 4.0 16-lane CEM Type-B Interposer enables debug and verification of new ICs, new system hardware designs, FPGA firmware, validation of system BIOS and software. -
Xgig E1 EDSFF Interposer Module for PCI Express 4.0
Xgig4K-PCIe4-X8-E1 is an Active Interposer optimized for developing, debugging and performance tuning NVMe SSD operation in high-density storage servers. -
Xgig Flying-Lead, 4-lane Interposer Module for PCI Express 4.0
The Xgig Flying-Lead Interposer captures signals between controller ICs on the same PCB where there is no connector providing an access point. -
Xgig M.2, 4-lane Interposer Module for PCI Express 4.0
The M.2, 4-lane Interposer for PCI Express® 4.0 is an Active Interposer with a design optimized for M.2 SSD development. -
Xgig Oculink, 4-lane Interposer Module for PCI Express 4.0
The PCIe4, 4-lane OCulink/Slimline Interposer enables debug of new ICs, hardware designs, FPGA firmware, system BIOS and software. Error-injection is supported. -
Xgig SFF-8674, 4-lane Interposer Module for PCI Express 4.0
The SFF-8674 Interposer enables protocol analysis of PCI Express 4.0 traffic between an SFF-8674 attached host chassis port and an endpoint chassis or device. -
Xgig U.2B-Server, 4-lane Interposer Module for PCI Express 4.0
This U.2-Server, version B Interposer is optimized for development, debugging and tuning of NVMe SSD operation in high-density storage servers
Xgig U.2-CEM, 4-lane Interposer Module for PCI Express 4.0
This U.2-CEM Interposer is optimized for NVMe SSD development enabling debug and analysis -
Xgig U.3-Server, 4-lane Interposer Module for PCI Express 4.0
Provides a tap of communication between a host-system and a U.3 NVMe SSD for input to the VIAVI PCIe 4.0 Analyzer
Repair and Calibration
Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles. We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests.
Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:
- Minimize business disruption
- Budget
- Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
- Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards