AvComm and Wireless are now part of VIAVI Solutions
AvComm 和无线业务(前身为 Aeroflex 测试和测量业务)让 VIAVI 屡获殊荣、业已广泛的市场领先解决方案产品组合更加如虎添翼。
我们强强联手,在包括 5G/LTE、专用移动无线通信、战术军事无线通信在内的众多市场中提供规模化专业技术,以及为全球的网络设备制造商、通信服务提供商、民用、政府、军队和航空电子设备客户提供下一代空域倡议。
“VIAVI 已经有了一些 5G 相关产品提供给供应商、测试实验室和运营商,但增加 Cobham 的 AvComm 和无线 T&M 产品组合后,其能力将大大增强。它还让 VIAVI 在与其他 5G 相关业务测试系统专业公司竞争时具备更强的竞争力。” – Light Reading
AvComm 是航空电子产品、无线电及综合测试的全球领导者。我们的产品在全球广泛使用,为航空、通信和国防市场提供支持。

Radio Test Sets
Radio test sets for the land mobile radio market.

AXIe Modular Platform
The new standard in high-performance modular products.

Avionics Test
Flight line and bench solutions for commercial and military industries
我们是移动和 IP 网络高级网络验证工具的全球领先供应商,致力于将您的网络推进到下一代。我们提供可满足市场需求的经济实惠的创新解决方案来改善连接并提供更好的体验质量。

TM500 Network Tester
The TM500 is a scalable test system for validating network performance as experienced by end users, across multiple cells and different radio access technologies. It can be regarded as the de facto standard for network testing via RF.

TeraVM is an application emulation and security performance solution, delivering comprehensive test coverage for application services, wired and wireless networks.
Our TM500 and TeraVM products combined offer a complete end-to-end test solution from the Radio Access Network through the EDGE to the Core Network, simulating real-world traffic and ensuring networks are robust enough to cope with the complexity and demands of devices and traffic at scale.

Modular Instruments
Our flexible, modular solutions provide RF testing with the flexibility and speed benefits of its platforms, to produce powerful solutions to accelerate throughput in manufacturing and time-to-market in R&D, while catering for current and future RF test needs.
VIAVI Solutions
VIAVI to Acquire Cobham AvComm and Wireless Test and Measurement Businesses
VIAVI Solutions
VIAVI Announces Closing of Cobham AvComm and Wireless Test and Measurement Businesses Acquisition
Optical Connections
VIAVI to Acquire Cobham’s AvComm and Wireless Test Businesses
VIAVI Acquires Cobham’s Testing Unit for $455 Million