The IFF-45TSL test set provides RF signal generation and parametric measurement of MK XIIB and TACAN equipment. Replies and interrogations can be individually configured to support MK XIIB testing requirements. ADS-B Out testing monitors ADS-B, TIS-B, ADS-R, and acquisition squitters. The IFF-45TSL emulates either a TACAN ground transponder, or a TACAN airborne interrogator.
- Engineering – Development and qualification testing for MK XIIA, ADS-B Beacon, and TACAN equipment
- Manufacturing - Factory calibration and verification testing
- Depot/Service - Level 1/2, return-to service testing
- Over-the-air platform testing of MK XIIA equipment including Mode 5, ADS-B beacons and TACAN interrogators
- Industry-wide use for development and end item testing of transponders and interrogators
- Support Fixed Waveform operation for Mode 5
All features from the existing IFF-45TS will be carried over, including:
- Mode 5 testing without actual cryptographic applique and keys using integral mode 5 emulator
- Supports DoD AIMS 04-900A Option A - KIV-78 and QRTK6 NG (with Airbus DS QRTK6 NG adapter) and Option B - KIV-77 and SIT-2010 crypto appliqués, KIV-79
- Separate connections for direct or over-the-air testing
- Test ranges of up to 3 km with appropriate antennas
- ADS-B Out
- Over-the-air platform testing of MK XIIA equipment including Mode 5, ADS-B beacons and TACAN interrogators
This product is controlled for export under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). A license from the U.S. Department of State is required prior to the export of this product from the United States.
- New front panel LED Status Indicators (PWR, System, Crypto, TX/RX top and bottom, Direct vs. Antenna)
- New Target Generator Instrument Option available (IFF-45TSL-STG)
- Mode 5 Level 2 B “In” and ADS-B “In” available in the Target Generator Instrument
- Support for 5 configurable transponder like static targets
- Configurable fields include M3 Code, GPS position, GPS Altitude, etc. – these parameters will be used globally across all modes of the target
- Supermode interrogations will be handled
- Each target will have capability to:
- Transmit squitters (DF17, DF18, ADS-B “In”, M5L2-B “In”)
- Transmit real-time replies appropriate to the random interrogation received (Modes 1, 2, 3/A, C, S, 4 and 5)
- Much improved processing capability (DSP, FPGA, Processor, Memory)
- Improved transmitter On/Off ratio performance
- Modernized RF circuitry (no tuning required and more stable)
- AIMS 17-1000 certification
- Mode 5 Level 2 B “Out”
- Better support of Transponder Box Test (bench) for tests needing burst mode type tests (up to 101 interrogation sequence)
- Better support of Interrogator Box Test (bench) by checking interrogator’s ability to handle all
- Mode S reply types that can be programmed to operate using all II and SI codes transmitted in both all-call and roll-call interrogations
- Better Interrogator Installation (ramp) test capability allowing for verification that the interrogator can be programmed to operate using all II and SI codes and that both sets of codes are transmitted in both all-call and roll-call interrogations
- Ability to externally or internally trigger M5L2 reports on a 1:1 basis (test mode, non-conforming to AIMS)
- Ability to increase the max squitter rate (ADS-B and M5L2) (current maximum of 2 Hz – test mode, non-conforming to AIMS)
- Ability to modify a fourth Mode S preamble pulse positions/widths
- Backward compatibility with legacy Remote-Control Interface (RS-232, Ethernet and GPIB) Improved GUI
- Standard 2U enclosure (old unit was 2U+ which required 3U of space)
- Improved cooling