“网络和服务伙伴”是紧凑型手持式设备的一个新类别,它将多个测试接口(PON、以太网、WiFi)与 VIAVI“OneCheck”应用概念相结合,为所有前沿技术人员和安装人员(不管他们是初学者还是专家)简化并加快网络验证和高速(千兆位)服务测试过程。
- 为技术人员提供简单、快速、全面的多千兆服务激活测试和故障排查
- 将 PON 交付和户内业务分发测试与 PON、以太网和高端 WiFi 测试接口相结合
- “一键测试”应用程序使网络验证和服务测试变得简单快捷
- 通过清晰、快速地界定/分割任何问题,对服务交付和户内业务分发进行准确的基准测试
- 确保符合最佳实践,减少或防止客户投诉、服务召回和客户流失
- 坚固耐用、适于外场、无屏幕设计
- 吞吐量测试高达 10 Gbps(SpeedCheck, Ookla Speedtest、TrueSpeed RFC-6349)
- 支持以太网 2 层/3 层环回,可进行 Y.1564 和 RFC-2544 测试,最高 10 Gbps
- VIAVI Fusion(集中式测试系统)利用 NSC 作为远程控制的测试探头
- 高端 WiFi 测试显示覆盖范围、信道噪声、广播时间和吞吐量
- 自动化的“一键测试”功能可确保所有要求的测试都在现场进行
- 作业管理器帮助技术人员管理他们的作业、测试结果和报告
- 通过云 (StrataSync) 或直接电子邮件(智能手机/平板电脑)生成和提交在线报告
- 支持 VIAVI 移动技术应用程序
详细了解无源光网络 (PON)。

StrataSync 是托管式云解决方案,可为 VIAVI 仪器提供资产、配置和测试数据管理功能,并保证所有仪器均已安装最新的软件和选项。StrataSync Core 免费支持 OneExpert 平台。StrataSync Plus 也可用于增强数据管理功能。
- Network & Service Companion - Ethernet iPerf Network Performance Measurement
- Network & Service Companion - Ethernet Layer 2 Traffic Loopback
- Network & Service Companion - Ethernet Ookla SpeedTest
- Network & Service Companion - Ethernet RFC6349 TrueSpeed Test
- Network & Service Companion - Ethernet SpeedCheck
- Network & Service Companion – WiFi Ookla SpeedTest
- Broadband Technology Report on the Network & Service Companion (NSC-100)
- Connecting your Device to the Mobile Tech App
- How To Run a Wifi Speedtest with the NSC
- Network and Service Companion (NSC-100) PON Test
- Smarter Testing: Activate First Time with the NSC-100/-200
- VIAVI Wins Two BTR 4-Diamond Awards
Care Support Plans
Product Group | Recommend Plan | Bronze | Silver | Maxcare | Why Calibrate? |
Network & Service Companion (NSC-100/200) | Bronze-3 | Why calibrate this product? What are the common issues? |
VIAVI Care Support for Existing Equipment
FleetCareFleetCare plans can be customized to include any service entitlements on your fleet of existing equipment. Please fill out a Service Contracts form for a quote.
- Any collection instruments with a single coterminous renewal date
- Each contract is customized with any number of annual terms required by the customer
- Onsite Calibration, Training, Field Application Engineer days can be added
Repair and Calibration
Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles. We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests.
Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:
- Minimize business disruption
- Budget
- Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
- Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards
Training Courses