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The VIAVI Signaling Analyzer platform accelerates the development and deployment of 3G UMTS networks and helps customers perform verification, troubleshooting, and RAN optimization of ATM-Based UTRAN and also migrate their networks to emerging IP UTRAN architectures.
IP UTRAN provides UMTS network operators with flexible network expansion and makes lower bandwidth cost possible by leveraging economies of scale of Ethernet and IP. Network operators can increase revenue with a faster time to market and reduce costs in the network implementation.
Support of UMTS evolution
The Signaling Analyzer supports the evolution of UMTS:
- UMTS release 99
- UMTS release 4
- UMTS release 5 (HSDPA)
Network architecture support
Complete coverage of architectures to correlate calls end to end from UTRAN to the rest of the network:
- ATM-based UTRAN
- IP-based UTRAN
- Core, GERAN, IMS, PSTN, Internet
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