Care-Support-Pläne für Messtechnik
Mit den VIAVI Care-Support-Plänen können Sie effizienter arbeiten, sodass jeder Arbeitstag mit Ihrem Messgerät ein produktiver ist.
Die VIAVI Care-Support-Pläne erleichtern Ihnen die Einarbeitungsphase sowie den Reparatur-, Kalibrierungs- und Leihgeräteprozess, da die Supportkosten vorhersehbar und kostengünstig sind, während sich Ihr Verwaltungsaufwand verringert. Der Erwerb eines VIAVI Care-Support-Plans bietet Ihnen diese Vorteile:

Schnellere Einarbeitung durch Online-Schulung mit Zertifikat und Priorität bei technischer Anwendungsunterstützung, wenn Sie Hilfe bei einem Auftrag benötigen.

Erhalten Sie die Präzision und Leistungsfähigkeit Ihrer Messtechnik durch eine Kalibrierung, die nicht nur die Kalibrierung nach Werksstandards, sondern stets die Aktualisierung der Firmware sowie das Polieren und Ausrichten der Steckverbinder umfasst. Sie erhalten Software- und Firmware-Updates, die die Produktleistung verbessern, sowie Kalibrierzertifikate zum Nachweis der Konformität stehen in StrataSync zur Verfügung.

Hohe Verfügbarkeit:
Bestellen Sie ein Express-Leihgerät, wenn Ihr Gerät eine Wartung benötigt. Beim MaxCare-Plan mit fünf Jahren Laufzeit werden sogar verbrauchte Akkus und abgenutzte Taschen und Zubehörteile ersetzt. Mit dem Leihgerät vermeiden Sie Ausfallzeiten und müssen auch keinen Tester mieten!

kalkulierbar mit niedrigen Investitionskosten:
Service zu attraktiven Paketkosten für bis zu fünf Jahre mit den niedrigsten Gesamtkosten (TCO) und exklusiven Vorteilen, wie einer schnellen Servicedurchlaufzeit von fünf Tagen nur für Kunden mit Support-Plan. Mit den VIAVI Care-Support-Plänen sparen Sie gegenüber einzeln bestellten Service-Leistungen und Zubehörteilen bis zu 50 %.
VIAVI Care-Support-Pläne
Informations supplémentaires
- Cycles de vérification VIAVI
- Garantie du fabricant VIAVI pour les produits de test et de mesure (NSE)
Quels sont les programmes d’assistance VIAVI disponibles pour mon instrument ?
Souscription aux programmes d’assistance de VIAVI
Pour souscrire à un contrat d’assistance VIAVI, demandez les références suivantes dans votre devis de plan de service à partir du tableau ci-dessous. Votre contrat d’assistance sera vendu en incréments annuels.
BronzeCare (références) Bild
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SilverCare (références) Bild
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MaxCare (références) Bild
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Années d’entretien |
Bronze-2 | Silver-2 | 2 premières années | |
Bronze-3 | Silver-3 | MaxCare-3 | 3 premières années |
Bronze-4 | Silver-4 | 4 premières années | |
Bronze-5 | Silver-5 | MaxCare-5 | 5 premières années |
![]() FleetCare |
Les programmes FleetCare peuvent être personnalisés pour inclure n’importe quelle prestation de service
Pour souscrire à ce service ou tout autre service VIAVI, rendez-vous sur notre page Comment commander des services.
Zusätzliche Informationen
Product Group | Recommend Plan | Bronze | Silver | Maxcare | Why Calibrate? |
180 DSP Meter | Silver-5 |
Frequencies/levels need to be within specifications to guarantee precise and reliable results. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Out of specification measurements could cause unnecessary repeat calls customer service issues. What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
360 DSP, 1G DSP | Silver-5 |
Frequencies/levels need to be within specifications to guarantee precise and reliable results. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Out of specification measurements could cause unnecessary repeat calls customer service issues. What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
3Z RF Vision | Silver-5 |
Timely calibration of your RF Vision maintains its ability to accurately align panel and point-to-point antennas as per a site’s RF Design. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
How will my measurements be affected if the product is out of calibration?Incorrectly aligned panel antennas can result in:
Incorrectly aligned point-to-point antennas can result in:
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
8800SX | 8800-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
ALT-9000 | ALT-9000-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
APM-424(V)5 MK XII/A | APM-424V5-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
ATB-7300NG | ATB-7300NG-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
ATC-5000NG | ATC-5000NG-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
AVX-10K | AVX-10K-Silver-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
CellAdvisor 5G (CA5000) | Silver-5 |
Spectrum analyzers are measuring frequencies which need to be accurate to meet the specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
CellAdvisor JD72xC | Silver-5 |
Cable & Antenna analyzers are measuring frequencies which need to be accurate to meet the specifications. Open/short load calibration must be done prior to measuring by customer. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
CellAdvisor JD7xxB | Silver-5 |
Spectrum analyzers are measuring frequencies which need to be accurate to meet the specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
Certifier 10/40G local & remote | MaxCare-5 |
Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Full mfg warranty (20-30 years) from cable suppliers (e.g. Corning, Commscope, Belden, ...) will only be granted if the installation is certified with a calibrated instrument. What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
Certifier 40G Fiber Adapters | MaxCare-5 |
Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Full mfg warranty (20-30 years) from cable suppliers (e.g. Corning, Commscope, Belden, ...) will only be granted if the installation is certified with a calibrated instrument. What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
Certifier 40G MPO Adapters | MaxCare |
Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Full mfg warranty (20-30 years) from cable suppliers (e.g. Corning, Commscope, Belden, ...) will only be granted if the installation is certified with a calibrated instrument. What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
CT-X | MaxCare-5 |
Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Full mfg warranty (20-30 years) from cable suppliers (e.g. Corning, Commscope, Belden, ...) will only be granted if the installation is certified with a calibrated instrument. What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
CX300 | CX300-Silver-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
Fiber Microscope P5000i | Bronze-5 |
No calibration required Functional Verification Recommended |
FiberChek Probe Microscope | Bronze-5 |
No calibration required Functional Verification Recommended |
FiberChek Sidewinder | Bronze-5 |
No calibration required Functional Verification Recommended |
FVAi Benchtop Microscopes | Bronze-5 |
No calibration required Functional Verification Recommended |
FVDi Benchtop Microscopes | Bronze-5 |
No calibration required Functional Verification Recommended |
GPSG-1000 | GPSG-1000-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. What are the most common implications of these issues to the business? What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
IFF-7300 | IFF-7300-HWO |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
IFR4000 | IFR4000-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
IFR6000 | IFR6000-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
IFR6015 | IFR6015-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
MAP (Mainframe/Module) | Bronze-3 |
Factory standards to ensure accuracy MAPVIAVI is a TL9000 company and calibrates this instrument based on general requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:2005) to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all parts stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase. Fixed rate calibration can also be purchased later via a separate purchase order.
Inaccurate measurements may prevent verification of power levels or introduce other measurement uncertainties, errors and artifacts. Out-of-calibration instruments can result in design errors, production problems, end customer escalations, increased failure rates, audit non-compliance or even ultimately loss of business. What are the most common implications of these issues to the MAP business?
Common Business impacts include:
Network & Service Companion (NSC-100/200) | Bronze-3 |
Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
OneAdvisor 1000 (ONA-1000) | Silver-5 |
Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Full mfg warranty (20-30 years) from cable suppliers (e.g. Corning, Commscope, Belden, ...) will only be granted if the installation is certified with a calibrated instrument. What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
OneAdvisor 800 (ONA-800) | MaxCare-5 |
Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Full mfg warranty (20-30 years) from cable suppliers (e.g. Corning, Commscope, Belden, ...) will only be granted if the installation is certified with a calibrated instrument. What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
OneExpert CATV (ONX-220) | Silver-5 |
Frequencies/levels need to be within specifications to guarantee precise and reliable results. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Out of specification measurements could cause unnecessary repeat calls customer service issues What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
OneExpert CATV (ONX-6xx) | Silver-5 |
Frequencies/levels need to be within specifications to guarantee precise and reliable results. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Out of specification measurements could cause unnecessary repeat calls customer service issues What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
OneExpert xDSL (ONX-580) | Silver-5 |
Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
ONT (Mainframe/ Module) | Bronze-3 |
ONT is a high precision instrument relying on stable and precise timing, stable sources and calibrated low noise clocks. Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Maintain connectors, fans and interfaces How will my measurements be affected if the product is out of calibration?The ONT is capable of measuring packet delays and jitter from fractions of a nanosecond to seconds and it can precisely set lane timing and phase to fractions of a PPM. To ensure this performance on this and other measurements it is important to have your ONT verified and calibrated by VIAVI. Applications that measure over 10 orders of magnitude rely on stable and precise timing, stable sources and low noise clocks and VIAVI approved processes ensure this accuracy can be delivered by your ONT. What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
PSD60-1AF | PSD-XX-Silver-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
PSD60-2R | PSD-XX-Silver-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
PSD90-1C | PSD-XX-Silver-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
PSD90-3 | PSD-XX-Silver-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
Qg 2 Multi-Sync Gateway | Bronze-4 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. |
Ranger | Silver (as applicable) |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
RGS-2000NG | RGS-2000NG-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
SecurePNT 6200 | Bronze-4 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. |
Seeker D, Seeker X | MaxCare-5 |
Frequencies/levels need to be within specifications to guarantee precise and reliable results. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Out of specification measurements could cause unnecessary repeat calls customer service issues What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
SmartClass 4800 | Bronze-5 |
E1/T1 have transmit frequencies which need to be accurate to meet the specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
SmartClass Fiber (OLP-87/OLP-88) (PON Power Meters) | Silver-5 |
Optical components age with connection cycles. Maintain connectors and Lasers and pigtails. Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
SmartClass Fiber (OLS-8x/OLP-85/ORL-85) | Silver-5 |
Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
SmartClass Fiber (OLTS-8x/ MPOLx-8x) | MaxCare-5 |
Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
SmartClass Fiber MPOLx (OLP-82/HD4i) | MaxCare-5 |
Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
SmartClass TPS | Silver-5 |
Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
SmartOTDRs | MaxCare-5 |
Maintain connectors and Lasers and pigtails. Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Contractors might get not compensated due to erroneous test results and possible audit failure. This often leads to being delisted as an approved suppliers / contractor or chage backs. What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
SmartPocket (OLx-3x) | Silver-5 |
Optical components age with connection cycles. Maintain connectors and Lasers and pigtails. Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
T-BERD/MTS-2000 incl. COSA | Silver-5 |
Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Inaccurate measurements may prevent verification of power levels and wavelength of optical channels What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
T-BERD/MTS-2000 incl. COSA | Silver-5 |
Maintain connectors and Lasers (OTDR) and pigtails. Validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Inaccurate measurements may prevent verfication of power levels and wavelenght of optical channels What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
T-BERD/MTS-2000 incl. Modules | Silver-5 |
Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Contractors might get not compensated due to erroneous test results and possible audit failure. This often leads to being delisted as an approved suppliers / contractor or change backs. What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
T-BERD/MTS-4000 incl. Modules | Silver-5 |
Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Inaccurate measurements may prevent verification of power levels and wavelength of optical channels What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
T-BERD/MTS-58xx incl. 100G | MaxCare-5 |
OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 have transmit frequencies which need to be accurate to meet the specifications. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Full line rate transmission may not reached leading to a violation of Customer SLA when full line rate test is specified What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
T-BERD/MTS-58xx Rackmount - MAP-2100 | MaxCare-5 |
Cable & Antenna analyzers are measuring frequencies which need to be accurate to meet the specifications. Open/short load calibration must be done prior to measuring by customer. Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Full line rate transmission may not reached leading to a violation of Customer SLA when full line rate test is specified What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
T-BERD/MTS-6000 | Silver-5 |
Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
Inaccurate measurements may prevent verification of power levels and wavelength of optical channels What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
T-BERD/MTS-8000 | Silver-5 |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. Tests performed with out of calibration test sets can return to service devices which are not performing to regulated specifications. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
T/Rx Software Defined Transceiver System | Silver (as applicable) |
Why Calibrate this Avionics or Radio Test product?VIAVI Solutions performs a product performance check certifying the test equipment is performing within published specifications and updates the instruments internal calibration. The calibration ensures accuracy and proper function of the instrument including required retrofits/repairs and firmware/software updates. VIAVI Solutions conforms to one or more of the standards listed below as applicable to their product, location, and customer requirements. In keeping with this policy, the metrology and calibration processes provide an unbroken line of traceability to nationally and / or internationally recognized standards.
In addition, aviation ground support equipment (ramp or back shop), is required by the various aviation authorities around the world (including the FAA) to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, including calibration traceable to national standards. What are the most common implications of these issues to the Avionics or Radio Test business?
VSE-1000 (Video Spectrum Analyzer) | Silver-5 |
Factory standards to ensure accuracyVIAVI Calibrates to TL9000 factory standards to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately, as it did when it came off the factory line. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all ports stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase, however fixed rate calibration can be purchased at a later date on a separate purchase order.
What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?
Common Business impacts include:
Example: Let's look at OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 and various FTTX, DOCIS and xDSL measurements. It is critical to reach full line rate (1G, 10G, 40G, 100G) to test service performance and service error rates. If the uncalibrated tester can not reach full line rate during testing, a customer may be left with suboptimal performance that will quickly create complaints or alternatively, the technician could end up chasing phantom network problems that do not exist. |
Welche VIAVI Care-Support-Pläne werden für mein Messgerät angeboten?
Bestellung von VIAVI Care-Plänen
Wenn Sie einen VIAVI Care-Plan bestellen möchten, tragen Sie die in der untenstehenden Tabelle angegebene Bestellnummer des gewünschten Care-Planes in die Service-Plan-Angebotsanfrage ein. Die Care-Pläne sind nach Jahreslaufzeiten gestaffelt.
BronzeCare (Bestellnummern) Bild
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SilverCare (Bestellnummern) Bild
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MaxCare (Bestellnummern) Bild
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Laufzeit |
Bronze-2 | Silver-2 | Die ersten 2 Jahre | |
Bronze-3 | Silver-3 | MaxCare-3 | Die ersten 3 Jahre |
Bronze-4 | Silver-4 | Die ersten 4 Jahre | |
Bronze-5 | Silver-5 | MaxCare-5 | Die ersten 5 Jahre |
![]() FleetCare |
Die FleetCare-Pläne geben Ihnen die Möglichkeit, individuelle Serviceleistungen zu buchen.
Diese und andere Dienstleistungen von VIAVI können Sie auf dieser Webseite bestellen.