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The ATB-7300 Test System is a comprehensive, configurable test platform for navigation/communication systems and component testing. Applications include R&D, manufacturing, troubleshooting and return-to-service testing. The ATB-7300 offers unparalleled flexibility for OEM's and remote repair facilities to adapt to their own unique needs.
The system provides a full menu of RF test functions via a color touch-screen control display, with full remote capability. Optional high performance spectrum analyzer capability is available
Standard Features
- Test ILS / VOR / MKR / ADF and VHF COMM functions, including SELCAL
- Over-the-air and return-to-service testing
- AM, FM and data capability
- SCPI compatible software driver command sets
- GPIB remote programming interface
- 100 kHz to 3 GHz RF signal generator range
- Large touch-screen color display
Optional Features
- 250 KHz to 3 GHz spectrum analyzer, with custom analysis tools
- 406 MHz COSPAS/SARSAT Beacon (ELT) testing
- VHF Comm TX and DME TX analyzer
Handbücher und Bedienungsanleitungen
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